David Guzik commentary on Psalm 62 explains this song, written by David to Jeduthun, who was one of the musicians to lead Israel’s public worship.
and a climax, encapsulating the essence of the entire psalm, which is a call to worship God with every instrument, in every place, and by every creature. This word has transcended languages and cultures, becoming a universal expression of praise and a testament to the enduring power of ...
4.His goodness and mercy are everlasting.(Ver. 5.) Not only enduring and constant, butunboundedby any limits. 5.He fulfils his promises from generation to generation.(Ver. 5.) "His truth" here means his faithfulness - the fulfilment of the word or promise that he has spoken. - S. G...
Like a farmer sowing his seed, the covenant community was enduring hardship as they waited for a new outpouring of divine blessing. Yet they are confident that a time of restoration will come and relieve their anxiety, just as the harvest brings relief and joy to the farmer. Psalm 126:6 ...
遵行耶和华律法者大有福祉 - 行为完全,遵行耶和华律法的,这人便为有福! 遵守他的法度,一心寻求他的,这人便为有福! 这人不做非义的事,但遵行他的道。 耶和华啊,你曾将你的训词吩咐我们,为要我们殷勤遵守。
This is our calling today at Christus Highland. This is our assigned task. This is our glory and labor of love. We are to do what we can, even enduring hardship through circumstances, that maybe we wish we could change. But may we never lose the true vision that we are to seek to ...
According to Rashi’s commentary the “his” refers in the first instance to God, but once the happy man engages with the Torah it becomes his own. We presume he prays and follows regular pietistic practices, but his real priority is his study of God’s word. THE MEANING OF ASHREI HA...
As recipients of God's enduring love, we are called to reflect that love to those around us. Pulpit CommentaryVerse 1. - Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. Identical with the first verse of Psalm 118, which is probably a very ancient ...
Pulpit CommentaryVerse 6. - Let not them that wait on thee (or, hope in thee), O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed for my sake; or, through me (Revised Version); on my account (Kay) - as they would be if I, although thy faithful worshipper, were delivered into my enemies' hands....
Matthew Henry's Commentary 56 entries New Bible Commentary Plus 57 entries NIV Application Commentary Plus 17 entries Olive Tree Bible Overview Plus 1 entry Theology of Work Bible Commentary 3 entries Thru The Bible Plus 82 entries Warren Wiersbe BE Bible Study Series Warren Wiersbe BE Bible Study...