I. In the firstPsalm 51:1-12, the psalmist confesses his guilt, and prays for pardon. He begins with an earnest plea for mercyPsalm 51:1-2; he humbly acknowledges his offence, without any attempt to vindicate himself, or to apologise for itPsalm 51:3-6; he pleads with God to cleans...
If we’re in a position of spiritual confusion or discouragement—or if things are going well for us–Psalm 121 can give us confidence as we face “the journey,” because its verses give us several affirmations of God’s unfailing care. You might immediately think: How do I affirm God’s...
Psalm 107:23 sn Verses 23-30, which depict the Lord rescuing sailors from a storm at sea, do not seem to describe the exiles’ situation, unless the word picture is metaphorical. Perhaps the psalmist here broadens his scope and offers an example of God’s kindness to the needy beyond the...
Psalm 105:36 tn Heb“the beginning of all their strength,” that is, reproductive power (see Ps 78:51).sn Verses 28-36 recall the plagues in a different order than the one presented in Exodus: v. 28 (plague 9), v. 29 (plague 1), v. 30 (plague 2), v. 31a (plague 4), v...
(13-33) These twenty verses cover the desert wanderings, beginning with the discontented spirit mentioned in Exodus 15:23. (13) They waited not . . .—They could not wait for the natural and orderly outcome of the counsel of God. Benson CommentaryPsalm 106:13-15. They soon forgat his ...
Koch, TDOT 3:285.) If one prefers the more common nuance (“lifestyle”), then the term would look back to the self-confident attitude described in the earlier verses. Psalm 49:13 tn Heb“and after them, in their mouth they take delight.” The meaning of the MT is not entirely ...
Book 2 (Psalms 42-72) Psalm 42 - For the music director, a well-written song by the Korahites. As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for
15–23); the last two verses mark the end of the account of Solomon’s building projects (vv. 24–25). Chronicles has an incomplete parallel in 2 Chr 8:1–13. 9:13 Brother: a term for a treaty partner; cf. 20:32–33. Cabul: the meaning is uncertain; perhaps “of no...
Psalm 105:36 tn Heb“the beginning of all their strength,” that is, reproductive power (see Ps 78:51).sn Verses 28-36 recall the plagues in a different order than the one presented in Exodus: v. 28 (plague 9), v. 29 (plague 1), v. 30 (plague 2), v. 31a (plague 4), v...