27TheLordis mylight and mysalvation; whom shall I fear? TheLordis the stronghold[a]of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2When evildoers assail me toeat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. ...
So, friend, do not worry about the future. Whatever it brings, “let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). However bright our path, somewhere along the way—perhaps around the next turn—sits the “shadow feared of man.” Unexpectedly, we may come to ...
Verse 26. - My flesh and my heart faileth. The meaning is, "Though my flesh and my heart fail utterly, though my whole corporeal and animal nature fade away and come to nothing, yet something in the nature of a heart - the true 'I,' consciousness, will remain, and will be upheld ...
Verse 50. - This is my comfort in my affliction. Nekhamah, "comfort," occurs only here and in Job 6:10; but the meaning is well ascertained. For thy Word hath quickened me; or, "thy promise." The "word," whatever it was, referred to in ver. 49. This had given the psalmist ...
Psalm 37:1 One of the longer psalms, Ps 37 also has the distinction of having every other verse (sometimes succeeding verses) begin with a letter of the Hebrew in alphabetical order. This technique served as a memory aid. Psalm 37:19 I.e. have their expectations in Your goodness be disa...
In this verse, the psalm assures us that God can keep us, though evil and death threaten us. It’s true that bad things may still happen. But we affirm God’s ultimate power, that life ultimately has meaning and purpose and the divine presence. But like our psalmist, we need that ...
“repeated them in the ears of the LORD” which is a striking way of expressing Samuel’s privileged and intimate relationship with God. After an earlier reading of this verse, I remembered it as Samuel whispering into God’s ears. Samuel had the kind of relationship with God that Moses ...
In verse 2 he uses the most common designation of God, 'elohay the One to be feared by me. He used word "trust" three times in verses 3–5 meaning to give God one's full weight, literally to collapse on God. He recalls Yahweh's holy character. There is no one like God. He ...
There may come a point where we are stripped down, left alone with no one by our sides. Yet we still have the only encouragement that matters, from the one who made us and called us in the first place. Look what Paul says in verse 17 of that same passage ...
The morning sun over the mountains depicts the verse from Malachi 4:2. “The sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings.” It was truly a project of healing. But this was not all. Missiles flying overhead and the thunderous booms as Iron Dome intercepts the incoming rockets...