Psalm139ESVStudyBible Psalm139ESVStudyBible Psalm 139 Some instructions are needed. Below, you will see some words that appear to be misspelled. For example, verse 1 reads, “Y ou have psearched me...” The letter “p” at the beginning of the word “searched” is meant to indicate an...
( 本次网上提供的版本为新译本。欢迎大家自己使用自己熟悉的和合本,NIV 1984,ESV 或NASB等 )大卫的诗。 1耶和华啊!我的心仰望你。 2我的 神啊!我倚靠你,求你不要使我羞愧, 也不要使我的仇敌胜过我。 3等候你的必不羞愧, 但那些无故以诡诈待人的必要羞愧。 4耶和华...
She was the lowest on the totem pole. She was bullied by THE matriarch in the camp, and probably felt helpless, alone, invisible. She was about to find out that she was anything but. The Almighty God sent an angel out after Hagar in the desert. InGenesis 16:11(ESV), the angel said...
Interestingly,theKJVtranslates it this way:“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.”And in theESV, we find:“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” Whichever version we follow, we can have no doubt that Paul felt as if Jesus Christ and His saving grace were just too wonde...
经文:诗 22:22-31 (本次网上提供的版本为新译本。欢迎大家自己使用自己熟悉的和合本,NIV 1984,ESV 或NASB等) 22:22我要向我的兄弟宣扬你的名, 我要在聚会中赞美你。 23敬畏耶和华的人哪!你们要赞美他; 雅各所有的后裔啊!你们都要尊敬他; 以色列所有的后裔啊!你们都要惧怕他。
(本次网上提供的版本为新译本。欢迎大家自己使用自己熟悉的和合本,NIV 1984,ESV 或NASB等) 耶和华的仆人大卫的诗,交给诗班长。在耶和华拯救他脱离所有仇敌和扫罗的手的日子,他向耶和华唱出这首歌的歌词。他说: 1耶和华我的力量啊!我爱你。 2耶和华是我的岩石、我的山寨、我的救主、 ...
God creates intimacy with us by the way He treats us. We may move into or out of fellowship with Him, but when we return to Him, we find that “real knowing” is still there.Isaiah 42:3(ESV) says, “A bruised reed He will not break, and a faintly burning wick He will not quen...
21For I have kept the ways of the Lord,(esv…) And I have not wickedly turned away from my God.(gw) 22Indeed, I have kept all His ordinances in mind,(hcsb) I did not distance His regulations from me.(cjb) 23And I was single-hearted with Him,(jps) ...
(Numbers 23:20-22 ESV) Water shall flow from [Israel’s] buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters; his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted. God brings him out of Egypt and is for him like the horns of the wild ox . . . ...
Psalm 36:5 ESV, “Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” Stay tuned in to the Lord. He promises to direct our paths as we trust Him. Compassion Isaiah 30:18 NLT, “So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you...