7 耶和华的律法全备,能苏醒人心;耶和华的法度确定,能使愚人有智慧; 8 耶和华的训词正直,能快活人的心;耶和华的命令清洁,能明亮人的眼目; 9 耶和华的道理洁净,存到永远;耶和华的典章真实,全然公义。 10 都比金子可羡慕,且比极多的精金可羡慕;比蜜甘甜,且比蜂房下滴的蜜甘甜。 11 况且你的仆人因此受...
Resources for Psalm 19:7, Psalm 93:5 Find resource All Study Bibles Encyclopedias Commentaries Dictionaries Bible Studies Overview 59 results Suggested Resources NIV Study Bible Notes, Fully Revised Edition Plus 3 entries Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): Old Testament Plus 2 entries M...
11/12. 2ö8 Psalm 19, 2—7 „Jahves Hochzeit mit der Sonne?" Yon K. Budde. Die Ueberschrift von Robert Eislers Bei-trag zu der Festgabe für Fritz Hommel1 hatte bei mir zunächst nur einen Heiterkeitserfolg. Als ich aber der Abhandlung näher trat, über-zeugte ich mich,...
Psalm 19:7 11 (Psalm Studies) 1 of 2 Series Expository Study: Psalms Bookmark Promote Download Share Speaker Gregory A. Miller Follow Broadcaster Bible Believers Fellowship Follow Sermon Activity 165 ( 155 | 10 ) Current Events Update: We refute the idea that a Coronavirus Vaccine is "...
7:3O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there be iniquity [?'n?kw?t?] in my ...
highs, and lows take on new meaning. And there is delight. The desires of my heart become His – the yearning to see the good in others, the joy of a soul securely saved from sin and death, and the deepening love for God and interest in His motives and agenda rather than my own....
\x26lt;a target=\x26quot;_blank\x26quot; data-itemshowtype=\x26quot;0\x26quot; href=\x26quot;http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU3MTE1MjkxOA==\x26amp;amp;mid=2247490061\x26amp;amp;idx=8\x26amp;amp;sn=6fe2ffe753ab04eebcaee0bdc57a2151\x26amp;...
The Hebrew has Higgaion and Selah (words of uncertain meaning) here; Selah occurs also at the end of verse 20. p Pr 5:22 q Nu 16:30 Pr 5:5 r Job 8:13 s Ps 25:3 Ps 39:7 Ps 71:5 Pr 23:18 Je 14:8 t Ps 9:12 Ps 74:19 u Ps 3:7 v 2 Ch 14:11 w Ps...
"Take refuge" is translated from the Hebrew "ḥāsāh," meaning to seek shelter or protection. It conveys a sense of trust and reliance on God as a safe haven. This imagery is common in the Psalms, portraying God as a fortress or shield for those who seek Him. Historically, this ...