Psa. 139:1 O LORD, you have psearched me and known me!2 Y ou qknow when I sit down and when I rise up;you rdiscern my thoughts from afar.3 Y ou search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.4 Even before a word is on my tongue,behold, O LORD...
” you could think of the first two verses as the pilgrim’s leave-taking words, while verses 3-8 are the assurances offered by a priest or family member.You could also think of the psalm as a three part song.
When we have these days, perhaps we need a song. A song of praise to God. We need to take a breath and remind ourselves of all the many blessings we have been given – even in the midst of our circumstances. This is what Mary did. Immediately after the verses in which we read Eli...
*Prior to composing this worship-prayer, I researched some of the terminology in these verses, to expand my understanding of the passage. Sources included: Be Exultant by Warren Wiersbe;; Jesus Calling by Sarah Young; Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive by Carole Ladd; and The Daily...
Here are the verses that particularly caught my attention this morning. Here’s what Joseph’s brother, Judah, revealed that I think may have broken Joseph as it put his father in a more accurate light. “Our servant my father said to us, ‘You know that my wife bore me two sons. On...
1、I have put the first two verses of Psalm 39 on the sheet.在我们今天发放的传单上,前两节来自诗篇39篇。 2、Look, for example, at Psalm— well, I've already done that I'm not going to do that.例如,在《诗篇》,我已经讲过了,我不会再讲。 3、Remember that? Of course that is a ...
Verses 137–138 Verses 137-138 Here is, 1. The righteousness of God, the infinite rectitude and perfection of... Verse 139 Verse 139 Here is, 1. The great contempt which wicked men put upon religion: My enemies have... Verse 140 Verse 140 Here is, 1. David’...
6、I have put the first two verses ofpsalm39 on the sheet.(在我们今天发放的传单上,前两节来自诗篇39篇。) 7、Inpsalm13, David calls out, "How long, o Lord?" Will you forget me forever?(在《诗篇》第13节,大卫唤道,“耶和华啊,你忘记我要到几时呢?”) ...
Psalm 139:13 God not only sees all and penetrates the inaccessible, but he is completely operative there, creating people and providing a purpose for all. Psalm 139:15 God knows all human beings intimately. Psalm 139:16 The text of these verses is obscure in several places. Psalm 139:16 ...