87Ich weigere mich, gegen deine Anordnungen zu verstoßen, obwohl die Feinde mich fast umgebracht hätten. 88Sei mir gnädig und bewahre mein Leben! Dann kann ich mich weiterhin an das halten, was dein Wort bezeugt! 12.
Not his material works, but the doings of his providence (see vers. 3-9). Sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. Searched into and carefully studied by all who take an interest in such things. Deru-shim, "objects of study," is etymologically connected with madrasa, a ...
Unite me not in one doom with open sinners - those with whom I have always refused to consort (vers. 4, 5) - whose congregation I have "hated." "That the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Genesis 18:25...
28 Ich gräme mich, daß mir das Herz verschmachtet; stärke mich nach deinem Wort. 29 Wende von mir den falschen Weg und gönne mir dein Gesetz. 30 Ich habe den Weg der Wahrheit erwählt; deine Rechte habe ich vor mich gestellt. 31 Ich hange an deinen Zeugnissen; HERR, la...
- David follows up his complaint by a confession of sin (ver. 5), which shows that his sufferings are, at any rate, in some measure, deserved; but, at the same time, he pleads that, as his enemies are really persecuting him for his righteous deeds and his adherence to God (vers. ...
Isaiah 57:15). Hence David feels sure that he will not be overlooked (see vers. 7, 8). But the proud he knoweth afar off. God keeps proud men at a distance, does not draw near to them, much less make his abode with them, but leaves them to themselves until they are ripe for ...