119:124 In spite of what might seem like a plea for justice in verse 121, he here casts himself... 119:125 119:125 The more a servant knows about his master, the more useful and effective he can be. So... 119:126 119:126 This is an about-face. The servant is...
Resources forPsalm 65:8-65:13, Psalm 119:121-119:128, Genesis 30:37-30:43, 1 Kings 4:29-4:34, Ephesians 6:10-6:18 Find resource All Study Bibles Encyclopedias Commentaries Dictionaries Bible Studies Maps Videos Overview ...
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121 我行过公平和公义,求你不要撇下我给欺压我的人。122 求你为仆人作保,使我得好处,不容骄傲人欺压我。123 我因盼望你的救恩和你公义的话,眼睛失明。124 求你照你的慈爱待仆人,将你的律例教训我。125 我是你的仆人,求你赐我悟性,使我得知你的法度。126 这是耶和华降罚的时候,因人废了你的律法。
119:121 what is righteous and just. A phrase commonly used to sum up the whole will of God for... Ps 119:122 119:122 The only verse in this psalm that does not have either a direct or an indirect (as in... Ps 119:123 119:123 My eyes fail. See note on 6:7. Ps 119:12...
119:124 In spite of what might seem like a plea for justice in verse 121, he here casts himself... 119:125 119:125 The more a servant knows about his master, the more useful and effective he can be. So... 119:126 119:126 This is an about-face. The servant is...
119:124 In spite of what might seem like a plea for justice in verse 121, he here casts himself... 119:125 119:125 The more a servant knows about his master, the more useful and effective he can be. So... 119:126 119:126 This is an about-face. The servant is...
119:124 In spite of what might seem like a plea for justice in verse 121, he here casts himself... 119:125 119:125 The more a servant knows about his master, the more useful and effective he can be. So... 119:126 119:126 This is an about-face. The servant is...
119:124 In spite of what might seem like a plea for justice in verse 121, he here casts himself... 119:125 119:125 The more a servant knows about his master, the more useful and effective he can be. So... 119:126 119:126 This is an about-face. The servant is...
121 I have done what is righteous and just; do not leave me to my oppressors.122 Ensure your servant’s well-being; do not let the arrogant oppress me.123 My eyes fail, looking for your salvation, looking for your righteous promise.124 Deal with your servant according to your love and...