欢迎来到新的 SermonAudio! 🎉 SermonAudio 很自豪地推出了我们全新的网站!这是一个经过多年打造的里程碑。新网站从头开始构建,充分利用了现代网络技术,在桌面浏览器和移动设备上都能提供更流畅的体验。 了解有关新 SermonAudio 网站的更多信息 正在寻找旧的 SermonAudio? 如果您想继续使用原始的 SermonAudio ...
Peter incorporates the answer “that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ” into his sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:34-35). Psalm 110:1 sn To sit at the “right hand” of the king was an honor (see 1 Kgs 2:19). The Lord’s invitation to the Davidic ...
Psalm 78:1 This lengthy sermon is given us as a lesson in wisdom: if the People of God wish to understand their destiny, they must reflect on their origins and meditate on the Exodus, which is a history of divine grace and human infidelity. In effect, their ancestors never responded with...
2024年7月28日 周日- 下午 Psalm 119 大五得詩 119:103 729241987069 10 下载 分享 最新讲道 Psalm 119:107 David Giarrizzo 2024年8月26日 大五得詩 119:107 没有系列: Psalm 119 Law and Gospel, ch. 5 Rob Holmes 2024年8月25日 没有系列: Law and the Gospel The Believer's Sufficiency in ...
欢迎来到新的 SermonAudio! 🎉 SermonAudio 很自豪地推出了我们全新的网站!这是一个经过多年打造的里程碑。新网站从头开始构建,充分利用了现代网络技术,在桌面浏览器和移动设备上都能提供更流畅的体验。 了解有关新 SermonAudio 网站的更多信息 正在寻找旧的 SermonAudio? 如果您想继续使用原始的 SermonAudio ...
Peter incorporates the answer “that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ” into his sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:34-35). Psalm 110:1 sn To sit at the “right hand” of the king was an honor (see 1 Kgs 2:19). The Lord’s invitation to the Davidic ...
Psalm 78:1 This lengthy sermon is given us as a lesson in wisdom: if the People of God wish to understand their destiny, they must reflect on their origins and meditate on the Exodus, which is a history of divine grace and human infidelity. In effect, their ancestors never responded with...
Peter incorporates the answer “that God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ” into his sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:34-35). Psalm 110:1 sn To sit at the “right hand” of the king was an honor (see 1 Kgs 2:19). The Lord’s invitation to the Davidic ...
Psalm 78:1 This lengthy sermon is given us as a lesson in wisdom: if the People of God wish to understand their destiny, they must reflect on their origins and meditate on the Exodus, which is a history of divine grace and human infidelity. In effect, their ancestors never responded with...
Psalm 78:1 This lengthy sermon is given us as a lesson in wisdom: if the People of God wish to understand their destiny, they must reflect on their origins and meditate on the Exodus, which is a history of divine grace and human infidelity. In effect, their ancestors never responded with...