贝登医疗游离前列腺特异抗原校准品 Access Hybritech free PSA Calibrators医疗器械注册证主要信息:注册证编号为国食药监械(进)字2010第3402557号(变更批件)、注册人名称为Beckman Coulter, Inc.。
茶山医院将组建健康团队对茶山镇50岁~75 岁男性户籍人群开展一轮前列腺癌的早期免费筛查活动,通过向居民进行健康知识宣教,免费提供PSA(前列腺特异性抗原)检测等方式,为前列腺疾病高危人群进行精细化筛查,建立前列腺癌防治的“初筛–转诊-诊疗–随访–康复”的全程医疗服...
Pan-European ground-motion prediction equations for the average horizontal component of PGA, PGV, and 5 %-damped PSA at spectral periods up to 3.0 s using ... This article presents a set of Ground-Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) for Europe and the Middle East, derived from the RESORCE...