语音内容: 国内推荐f-PSA/t-PSA大于0.16为正常值。 血清t-PSA水平正常值不超过4ng/ml,如果血清t-PSA介于4-10 ng/ml之间的灰区时,血清f-PSA水平与前列腺癌的发生率呈负相关,f-PSA/t-PSA是提高t-PSA水平位于灰区时前列腺癌检出率的有效方法。当f-PSA/t-PSA大于0.16时前列腺穿刺阳性率约为11.6%,但当f-PS...
回答:病情分析: 你好,PSA的正常值小于4ug/ml.前列腺肥大与前列腺炎这两种良性疾病,会造成PSA升高,浓度通常在4至10ug/ml之间.如果PSA浓度大于10ug/ml,发生前列腺癌的机会就增加,要进一步做直肠超声波检查支持诊断. 指导意见: 一般血清中f-PSA/t-PSA大于或等于0.15可能为前列腺肥大,小于0.15前列腺癌可...
Free PSA/total PSA ratio increases the detection rate of prostate cancer in twelve‑core biopsy. Urol Int 2009;82:280‑5.Free PSA/total PSA ratio increases the de-tection rate of prostate cancer in twelve-core biopsy. Yokomizo Y,Miyoshi Y,Nakaigawa N,Makiy-ama K,Ogawa T,Yao M,...
Free PSA is a newer evaluation for prostate health. This test is used to measure the percentage of free PSA relative to the total amount. Although not used as an initial screening test, a lower percentage of free PSA might mean your doctor needs to do a further testing on the pr...
摘要 This study investigated whether free prostate-specific antigen(fPSA)performs better than total PSA(tPSA)in pre...展开更多 作者 Ma-Ping Huang Ping Tang Cliff S Klein Xing-Hua Wei Wei Du Jin-Gao Fu Tian-Hai Huang Hui Chen Ke-Ji Xie 机构地区 Department of Urology Department of ...
To ascertain when the serum determination of the free prostate-specific antigen (PSA)/total PSA (fPSA/tPSA) ratio is clinically useful, and whether the identification of PSA or prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSM) mRNA in circulating cells has diagnostic advantages over the determination of ...
Investigative clinical study on prostate cancer part IV: exploring functional relationships of total testosterone predicting free testosterone and total pr... Objectives: To explore, in operated prostate cancer patients, functional relationships of total testosterone (tt) predicting free testosterone (ft) ...