[15] Carter HB, Pearson JD, Waclawiw Z, Metter EJ, Chan DW, Guess HA, Walsh PC. Prostate-specific antigen variability in men without prostate cancer: effect of sampling interval on prostate-specific antigen velocity. ...
The routine PSA Test is another of the almost totally useless prostate procedures that can unnecessarily scare men.
The prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test is used in routine prostate cancer screening for men over 50, and elevated PSA levels typically result in referral for a prostate biopsy. In a study published in the May 28 Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from Memorial ...
For this study, the investigators looked at the genomes and PSA levels of nearly 96,000 men without prostate cancer to better understand the genetics behind normal variation in PSA levels. The data had been collected as part of earlier studies and included mostly men of European ancestry. Throug...
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test 前列腺特异性抗原 (PSA) 测试 【1】什么是 PSA 测试? 前列腺特异性抗原或 PSA 是由前列腺的正常细胞和恶性细胞产生的一种蛋白质。PSA 测试测量血液中的 PSA 水平。对于此测试,血液样本会被...
Cells in your prostate make a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). A PSA blood test measures the amount of PSA you have circulating in your blood. The amount of PSA your cells make tends to go up as you get older, but it can also be high in people with: ...
Cells in your prostate make a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). A PSA blood test measures the amount of PSA you have circulating in your blood. The amount of PSA your cells make tends to go up as you get older, but it can also be high in people with: ...
aThe data on PSA testing to detect prostate cancer has long been shaky — so much so that the discoverer of PSA (or prostate-specific antigen, an enzyme made by the prostate) himself decried the test two years ago as “hardly more effective than a coin toss.” 关于PSA的数据测试查出摄护...
PSA testing has made prostate cancer screening a reality for men in many parts of the world, but its benefit for men's health continues to be debated. In men exposed to PSA testing, there has been a well-documented change in the presentation of prostate
(HealthDay)—Fewer than one in three men screened with the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer talked about the risks and benefits of the test with their doctor, according to a study published online recently in Urology.