1.IlicD, DjulbegovicM, JungJH.Prostate cancer screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test: a systematic review and meta-analysis..BMJ2018;362:k3519. doi: 2.FentonJJ, WeyrichMS, DurbinS, LiuY, BangH, Melnik...
Similarly, control arm men will be included in that arm regardless of whether they had a PSA test. The effect of an invitation to screening on prostate cancer mortality will be estimated as a rate ratio while allowing for clustering by general practice once a median of 10 years follow-up ...
1Index date was the date of initial CaP diagnosis for prostate cancer (CaP) patients; the date of first elevated PSA test result for men with elevated PSA; the same index date as their matched cases for controls. CI = confidence interval; cumulative incidence is across total follow-up period...
The UK Biobank BPH/LUTS dataset (accessed under Application Number: 24711) consists of 11,178 men with symptomatic BPH/LUTS, according to hospital-based diagnosis (ICD10 code = N40), as well as 176,541 male controls, not known to have been diagnosed with BPH/LUTS. For the UK GWAS ...