罗氏中文说明书:total PSA 04641655 190 V9.pdf,04641655190V8 total PSA 总 (游离 结合)前列腺特异性抗原( ) 总总PSA ((游游离离+ 结结合合))前前列列腺腺特特异异性性抗抗原原((tPSA )) 测试 生物素化的单克隆anti-PSA抗体(鼠源))1.5 mg/L; REF 04641655
Measurements of free and total PSA, TPS and CYFRA 21-1 in prostate cancer patientc under intermittent androgen suppression therapy. Theyer G,Durer A,Theyer U,et al. Prostate . 1999G. Theyer, A. Durer, U. Theyer, I. Haberl, E. Ulsperger, G. Baumgartner, et al., Measurements of ...
罗氏试剂盒说明书英文原版 total PSA 04641655 190 V11.0.pdf,ms_04641655190V11.0 total PSA total (free + complexed) PSA - Prostate-specific antigen (tPSA) REF SYSTEM Elecsys 2010 MODULAR ANALYTICS E170 04641655 190 100 cobas e 411 cobas e 601 cobas e 602 En
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罗氏中文说明书:Total PSA 04491734190 V3.0.pdf,04491734190V3 total PSA 总 (游离 结合)前列腺特异性抗原( ) 总总PSA ((游游离离+ 结结合合))前前列列腺腺特特异异性性抗抗原原((tPSA )) 测试 生物素化的单克隆anti-PSA抗体(鼠源))1.5 mg/L; REF 0449173
Free to total prostate- specific antigen (PSA) ratio is superior to total-PSA in differenti- ating benign prostate hypertrophy from prostate cancer. Prostate Suppl. 1996;7:30-4.Vancangh PJ, Denayer P, Sauvage P, Tombal B, Elsen M, Lorge F, et al. Free to total prostate-specific ...
Bermudez-Tamayo C, Martin Martin JJ, Gonzalez Mdel P, et al. Cost-effectiveness of percent free PSA for prostate can- cer detection in men with a total PSA of 4-10 ng/ml. Urol Int 2007;79(4):336-44.Bermudez-Tamayo, C., Martin Martin, J.J., Gonzalez Mdel, P., Perez ...
graves.e.Aoutilizaraferramentaelétricaaoarlivre, utilizeumfiodeextensãopróprioparaouso Segurançadaáreadetrabalhoaoarlivre.Ousodeumfiodeextensão a.Mantenhaaáreadetrabalhosemprelimpapróprioparaarlivrereduzoriscodechoque ebemiluminada.Áreasdetrabalhodesorga-elétrico. ...
罗氏试剂盒说明书-定标液 Total PSA CalSet 4485220190 V6.pdf,04485238001V6 total PSA CalSet II 用于 REF 04485220 190 用用于于4 x 1.0 ml 储存和稳定性 储储存存和和稳稳定定性性 Chinese 保存在 2-8℃ 温度下。 这种冻干的校准品可稳定保存至标称的失效日期。 主要用
Improvement of prostate cancer screening by determination of the ratio free/total PSA in addition to PSA levels. Prostate. 1997;30:243–7.Reissigl A,Klocker H,Pointner J et al.Improvement of prostate cancer screening by determination of the ratio free/total PSA in addition to PSA ...