We found little evidence of differences between the intervention and control arms at baseline at either an individual or practice level. It is not possible to exclude the possibility that post-randomisation exclusions introduced selection bias. Nonetheless, the large number of practices randomised and ...
The UK Biobank BPH/LUTS dataset (accessed under Application Number: 24711) consists of 11,178 men with symptomatic BPH/LUTS, according to hospital-based diagnosis (ICD10 code = N40), as well as 176,541 male controls, not known to have been diagnosed with BPH/LUTS. For the UK GWAS ...
3.1. Study Population Among men ≥18 years of age in the GPRD, we identified two cohorts of men, referred to as “cases”: men with a diagnostic code of CaP who had no record of cancers other than CaP and nonmelanoma skin cancer and men with at least two elevated PSA results, defined...