Normal PSA level by age chart Table. PSA chart AgePSA levelDigital rectal examination (DRE)Course of action 45 to 75 years PSA is below 1 ng/mL Normal Repeat testing every two to four years 1 and 3 ng/mL Normal Repeat testing every one to two years Greater than 3 ng/mL or your Ind...
As depicted in Figure 2, a positive correlation Table 3 Correlation of immunohistochemical ERG expression with clinico-pathological parameters at radical prostatectomy Parameter ERG expression P-value Negative Positive Age (years) 64.4 (63.7–65.1) (mean; range) PSA level (ng/ml) r10 125 (82%) ...
and this was the target of the intervention. The specificity of the CCDS alert logic may have underestimated the screening rate. We did not measure practice-, provider-, or patient-level factors (the collection of which was beyond the scope of the project), increasing the chance of a type...
The plasma TGF-β1 level may therefore be complementary to PSA for PCa prognosis. 展开 关键词: prostate cancer (PCa) transforming growth factor β (TGF-β ) prostate-specific antigen (PSA) age DOI: 10.1007/s10330-009-0005-y 年份: 2009 ...
Although we do not estimate the utility and quality of life of living with prostate cancer, our results do allow calculation of the utility level below which the expected harms of early diagnosis exceed the expected gains from prevented prostate cancer mortality (the break-even point), which can...
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