After being forced to suspend most of its card-grading services due to a avalanche of submissions, PSA is taking big steps to catch up and improve its grading services. “We’re working our hardest," said Nat Turner, executive chairman of PSA's parent co
Two specific cards from the set, which PSA had halted grading on due to a lack of reliable sources for card numbering confirmation, are now eligible for grading: Venusaur and Raichu. Read this entry on the PSA Blog to get caught up on this recent development. 1/4/22 PSA is now using...
PSA Insider 2021 PSA Insider 2020 PSA Insider 2019 December 31:Pokémon Still Drives the TCG Train December 17:The Hoops Hobby Is Hot! December 3:Big, Bold, Beautiful Babe Ruth! November 19:Player Collections Are a Ton of Fun! November 5:Variety Is the Spice of Life... and Cool Collecti...
have an official grader put their cards under the microscope. Crenshaw advises his clients yea or nay on whether it's worth jumping to the next level in the grading process, then either sends the cards back to the submitter or forwards to a big grader. Because he can bundle large...
Streamline your collecting journey from start to sold with the PSA app. Submit sports, Pokémon and other trading cards for grading, track progress, reveal grade…
I have three orders there now that are 15 card renewal subs and they were received on August 22nd and September 12th. All three show in the grading stage. Have some some solid stuff in these submissions. Page 6 of 7 « First < 4 5 6 7 > «...
GRADING SERVICES As an authorized PSA dealer, we have priority check-in and priority grading services. While this definitely improves turnaround, we are still subject to PSA delays at almost all services levels. CONSIGNMENT Many clients grade to achieve maximum value and return. We attend shows...
In this article we’ll look at the pros and cons of both grading companies. I may even help you decide in which company to trust your investments with, which company caters to your specific needs, and which company will make you the most return on your investment. It’s as clear as mu...
When PSA halted its card-grading services amid a backlog of submissions in March, it vowed that it would resume at least some of its services by July 1. It honored that vow Thursday by bringing back one of its most popular services.
I think it’s great that PSA has come up with rewards system. I believe that it will help build a little friendly competition between members, particularly ones who collect the same sets. Which could lead to more grading submissions of cards that currently have a lower population instead of ...