游离PSA比值(Free PSA Ratio)是一种用于判断前列腺癌风险的指标。它是通过测量血液中的游离前列腺特异性抗原(Free PSA)和总前列腺特异性抗原(Total PSA)的比值来计算得出的。 前列腺特异性抗原(Prostate-Specific Antigen,简称PSA)是一种由前列腺细胞分泌的蛋白质,其主要功能是液化精液,帮助精子在射精时更好地游动...
游离PSA比值(Free PSA Ratio)是一种用于评估前列腺癌风险的指标。在本文中,我们将逐步解析游离PSA比值并讨论其临床意义和应用。 第一步:什么是PSA? PSA,全称前列腺特异性抗原(Prostate Specific Antigen),是一种由前列腺组织产生的蛋白质。正常情况下,一小部分PSA会进入血液中。然而,前列腺癌细胞通常会产生更多的PSA...
PSA比值(PSA ratio)是一项用来评估前列腺健康的指标。这项测试通过比较前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)中前列腺特异性抗原-2(PSA-2)的含量来确定,因此被称为PSA比值。PSA是前列腺细胞产生的一种蛋白质,是前列腺癌的一个标志物。PSA比值的正常值在0.1-0.25之间,如果PSA比值高于这个范围,则需要进一步...
ROC curves are not significantly different from one system to another.In this study, free/total PSA ratio is less discriminative between cancer and non-cancer than PSA density (ratio between total PSA and gland volume). Definition of a cut-off is difficult. Free/total PSA ratio seems to be...
Free PSA is a newer evaluation for prostate health. This test is used to measure the percentage of free PSA relative to the total amount. Although not used as an initial screening test, a lower percentage of free PSA might mean your doctor needs to do a further testing on the ...
To ascertain when the serum determination of the free prostate-specific antigen (PSA)/total PSA (fPSA/tPSA) ratio is clinically useful, and whether the identification of PSA or prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSM) mRNA in circulating cells has diagnostic advantages over the determination of ...
psa_ratio检查是什么意思(男,55岁) 分析及建议: 这是前列腺癌的肿瘤标记物检查,把前列腺的彩超或者核磁报告发给我,tPSA总前列腺特异性抗原,也就是前列腺特异性抗原的一个总称。前列腺特异性抗原有游离型的和结合型的,两者的综合就是总的前列腺特异性抗原,呈现特异性抗原,临床上可以作为前列腺癌的一个诊断的指标...
Ratio of Free-PSA/Total-PSA: An Indicator for Differentation between Patients with Prostate Cancer and Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaA survey on literature data concerning free prostate specific antigen and the corresponding cut-offs for f-PSA/t-PSA differentiating patients suffering from prostate ...
To evaluate the usefulness of measuring the free/total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) ratio (%fPSA) in men with initial PSA levels of 4.1 to 10.0 ng/mL as a predictor of the future risk of developing prostate cancer. Between 1989 and 2001, 201 subjects with an initial PSA level of 4.1...