"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
In addition to screening purposes, the PSA test is also used in people with prostate cancer to categorize their risk ofmetastasis(meaning the spread of cancer to distant organs). For those who have been treated, the PSA test can also be used to monitor for signs ofrecurrence(the return of ...
During active surveillance, PSA is used as a biomarker, meaning that PSA levels are measured periodically to keep track of the severity and progression of the cancer. You may need to get a PSA test every six months, a digital rectal exam once every year, and biopsies and imaging tests ever...
The actual test, which is a blood draw, has virtually no risks. But the PSA test may return false-positive results, meaning it indicates the presence of prostate cancer when it is actually not present. Similarly, it can give false-negatives, suggesting prostate cancer is not present when it...
the next step should be additional tests like an MRI scan or a 4Kscore test—rather than going straight to an invasive prostate biopsy. An MRI can detect the presence of a tumor. The 4Kscore test, a blood test developed at MSK, looks at additional markers in the blood and can help det...
Meaning The single PSA screening intervention detected more prostate cancer cases but had no significant effect on prostate cancer mortality after a median follow-up of 10 years. Abstract Importance Prostate cancer screening remains controversial because potential mortality or quality-of-life benefits may...
the initial promise of psa screening was that a simple, accurate blood test would save lives by detecting tumors at an early enough stage to be cured by aggressive treatment. unfortunately, some 2 decades into the psa era, the promise of early detection has been tarnished. in the united ...
The guidelines carry a grade "D" recommendation, meaning physicians should not offer the test. During public debate starting in October, many who commented urged the panel change it to a "C" recommendation meaning physicians could provide the test to patients who request it. The recommenda...
日本观叶石楠、美国红栌、鸡腿菇……一个个农业新名词日益走进百姓生活。我国农艺师近年来不断从外国引进农作物新品种,使洋菜“本土化”,打破了“橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳”的观念。农艺师的做法体现的哲学道理是( )。
We developed a pop-up as a means to alert providers ordering a screening PSA blood test in a patient 75 years of age or older (Table1). We defined a screening PSA as any PSA test ordered on a male patient aged 75 or older,excludingthose with any of the following: a) a diagnosis ...