World War Z: Aftermath is the ultimate co-op zombie shooter inspired by Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, and the next evolution of the original hit World War Z that has now captivated over 15 million players. Turn the tide of the zombie apocalypse on consoles and PC with full cross-pl...
捍卫人类 展现超凡技能和蛮横武力,成为星际战士——帝皇麾下最精锐的战队。以遥不可及的星球作为舞台,凭借致命能力和毁灭性武器,投入史诗般的战斗,守护星系不受恐惧侵袭。揭发不可告人的秘密,驱散永恒夜幕,向人类帝国证明你的赤胆忠心吧! ■由《World War Z》开发团队倾力打造 由大热合作射击游戏《World War Z》开...
以遥不可及的星球作为舞台,凭借致命能力和毁灭性武器,投入史诗般的战斗,守护星系不受恐惧侵袭。揭发不可告人的秘密,驱散永恒夜幕,向人类帝国证明你的赤胆忠心吧! ■由《World War Z》开发团队倾力打造 由大热合作射击游戏《World War Z》开发团队打造的这款强烈、血腥、高速的第三人称动作游戏。享受血脉贲张、节...
World War Z found the balance between dread spectacle and player capability, and by introducing an even more staggering level of dread spectacle with the Horde XL mode, the concern is naturally found in how that balance is maintained, and the answer is it kind of isn’t, but that’s ultim...
从核能浩劫到丧尸爆发,再到好奇心爆棚的猫咪,在PlayStation主机上探索最佳后末日冒险游戏。 推荐视频 剧情宣传片 游戏玩法宣传片 地平线 西之绝境 紧随《地平线 零之曙光》主人公埃洛伊的脚步,重返遥远未来的地球,勇闯西部禁地,对抗可能导致地球生命终结的未知新威胁。
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From adventures like Stray to PlayStation-exclusive masterpieces like FF7 Rebirth and Helldivers 2, here are the top PS5 games you can play right now.
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Take-Two/2K GAMES 生化奇兵 黑手党 FromSoftware 黑暗之魂 Idea Factory/Compile Heart 地雷社 海王星 死亡终局 轮回试炼 神狱塔 断罪玛丽 Marvelous 闪乱神乐 华纳兄弟/Warner Bros/简称:WB 乐高 日本一/nippon ichi software 魔界战记 叶子社/LEAF会社 传颂之物 ARC SYSTEM WORKS 苍翼默示录 罪恶装备 ...