I got this answer on reddit that you just need to randomly browse around various tabs within the game like challenges, legends, etc. which then leads to the game starting to matchmake automatically. Would be great if you can fix this bug. Reply 5 + XP #6 October Options Sp0odermvn...
Another fix seems to be performing a full cache clear on your console. This is done by turning it completely off (not in rest mode) and unplugging the console for a few minutes. Locked combat doors Players may find that doors and transition areas may continue to be locked even after all...
it's slowly wearing down as each piece of the car develops a status condition such as "weary" or "fragile" that you'll need to fix as each zone is horribly irradiated. Your car is the only thing keeping you from turning into the Incredible Hulk. You're gonna love this car, whether ...