DualSense Edge无线控制器:午夜黑 有了高度可定制的DualSense Edge午夜黑无线控制器,您便能够以时尚的方式精进自己的游戏技艺。 午夜黑便携收纳盒伴您左右,无论您身在何处,都能轻松携带控制器及其组件,随时尽情畅玩游戏。 将您...
DualSense Wireless Controller Adaptive Triggers Feel your bowstring tighten as you take aim and ready an arrow with the DualSense wireless controller’s dynamic adaptive triggers. Haptic Feedback Experience every vibration as a Thunderjaw closes the gap between you with mighty stomps, or the gentle...
PS5 DualSense手柄现已支持在 PC 端进行固件更新,需要一台Win10(64位)或Win11的电脑,下载适用于DualSense的固件更新程序,并将其保存到桌面或其他位置。安装后启动,使用USB连接线将控制器连接到电脑,按照屏幕上的说明开始更新即可。 û收藏 1 8 ñ16 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按...
enhancing the audio experience in supported games. The DualSense wireless controller, with its adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, provides a new level of interactivity, allowing players to feel the impact of their in-game actions through dynamic sensory feedback. This innovative controller design...
首先,上 PC 是可以上的,但得有选择地上:《往日不再》这样的作品本身销量不佳,质量也够不上第一...
按两下创建(DualSense)或SHARE键(DUALSHOCK4)可手动开始和停止视频录像。HD摄像头不兼容PS4游戏;请通过PlayStation Camera转接器连接PlayStation Camera。PS5主机的HDR将自动打开。要停用HDR,请前往设定 > 屏幕和视频 > 视频输出 > HDR,然后选择SDR。PS5主机不支持PS4大赛功能。PS5主机不支持游戏内Live from Play...
我昨天執行了一下這個【DualSense無線控制器韌體更新程式】後,就正常了 https://controller.dl.playstatio...
DualSense手柄是PS5最具定义性的特征之一,因为细微的触觉反馈和自适应扳机可创造出一种真正特别的沉浸感。在《宇航员的娱乐室》中,这些无可比拟的技术展示得淋漓尽致。《宇航员的娱乐室》确实是为了展示Dualsense手柄的功能而打造的游戏。 3、《刺客信条:英灵殿》 ...
Metro Exodus: Enhanced Edition is the first major PC game to add full support for PS5’s DualSense controller. Developer 4A added the DualSense support via an update released on Friday. As demonstrated in the video below, thePCversion now makes use of thePS5controller’s unique feat...