此外,PlayStation Store网站的源代码还包含一些消息,包括PlayStation 5手柄的强制触觉反馈和自适应触发。之前索尼曾提及过新的PS5手柄将大幅度优化玩家的振动、触觉体验。“ msgid_ps5_controller_trigger_effect”:“需要触发效果”“ msgid_ps5_controller_vibration” :“需要振动功能”从11月12日开始,PS5 将...
随着索尼陆续公开PS5主机的各项情报,不少网友已在家坐等主机发售了。日前Reddit用户Kgarvey在浏览PlayStation Store页面时,在页面源代码中发现了一些“向下兼容”和“PS5增强模式(Boost Mode)”有关的信息。在此之前,SIE官方表示PS5可以直接使用PS4游戏的光碟与数字版进行游玩,目前已经有99%的游戏通过了兼容性测试。
基于 PlayStation Store 网站源代码,PlayStation 5 向下兼容、账号管理等更多细节被曝光。Reddit 用户 Kgarvey 查看了该网站的源代码,发现了一些错误信息。这些信息暗示通过固件更新,未来会有更多 PS4 游戏可以在 PS5 上玩。此外在这些代码中还发现了 Boost Mode。在这些代码中写道 ● 在 PS5 上玩 PS4 游戏,...
Edit: To clarify the reason Steam is being brought up is that the only reasonable fix for this problem is to make Steam run the game so Steam's controller inputs are forced. Something you can find all over reddit threads and troubleshooting blogs.But that is not possible...
https://www.theverge.com/23564531/sony-dualsense-edge-wireless-controller-ps5-features-review 国外论坛Reddit上的网友也表示,如果想要在PC上使用背键,那可能需要先将精英手柄连接至PS5,在PS5上映射之后,背键才能在PC上正常使用。 https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/10gqfda/dualsense_edge_pc_suppo...
PS5 DualSense Controller Firmware Dumped, Decryption RequiredFinally, from the video's description to quote: PS4 and PS5 Cameras Windows Drivers Overview and TutorialBefore beginning... Make sure you identify the USB 3.0 port on your PC/LAPTOP. The USB2.0 has four contacts in a ...
Step 1: Connecting the PS5 DualSense controller to your PC Your first move is to link your DualSense with your PC. If you’ve done this before, you can skip this step. If not, the following are two ways to do it: Bluetooth connection: ...
If you’re looking for a new controller for Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PS5, PC, or even your mobile device, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a list of the best gaming controller deals available now. This roundup includes high-end competitive controllers, solid mid-range ...
Dual Sense Wireless Controller/无线手柄:Pulse 3D Wireless Headset/无线3D耳机:Dual Sense Charging Station/充电站:HD Camera/高清摄像头:Media Remote/媒体遥控器:其实硬件发布只有短短几分钟,在一个多小时的发布会上,索尼的重心都放在展现新游戏效果上。在索尼因为美国民众抗议警察暴力执法而推迟发布会之后,PS5...