Steam recognizes my PS5 controller and I have “Enable Steam Input” switched on with “PlayStation” steam input status. However, FC24 still displays controls... - 7907447
There are two ways to connect the DualSense controller to your PC. The easiest is to simply plug in using the USB Type-C port on the controller and a USB port on your PC. You just need a USB cable, which you probably already have, whether it's from your phone or another device. T...
目前厂商懒狗,很久没有新的pc游戏适配ps5手柄了,上一个还是绝地幸存者。首先是游戏必须适配,第二是必须有线连接才能体验全部功能 来自Android客户端15楼2023-06-24 10:46 回复 小呆呆娶斯 疯狂加一 10可以看看這個,這是所有支持自適應扳機和震動反饋的遊...
Connected ps5 controller to pc, wired or wireless is the same. On car selection menu it'll bounce back to the first selection, hence I can't choose my car or buy/sell car. On garage menu everything seems fine other than car selection. While on the freeroam, the car roll on itself M...
Do I need both Steam and DS4Windows to use my PS5 controller on PC? No, you don’t need both Steam and DS4Windows to use the DualSense on PC. They’re just different ways to get your controller to work with PC games based on what you prefer. ...
1.手柄连接PC必须使用USB有线连接 2.Windows的“声音设置→更多声音设置→‘播放’选项卡”里,Dual Sense Controller作为扬声器的功能必须是打开状态(见下图,因为ps5手柄的触觉震动得靠内部扬声器来实现) 3.Windows的音量合成器里,荒野的程序音量必须拉高!(见下图红框,这里截图是我习惯用的win+G游戏条,从任务栏右下...
此时,电脑的蓝牙设置中会显示出PS5手柄的名称(如“DualSense Wireless Controller”),用户只需点击该名称并选择配对即可完成连接。在某些情况下,电脑可能需要额外的软件来识别和管理PS5手柄,如Steam平台。在Mac电脑上,连接PS5手柄的步骤类似,也是先确保电脑的蓝牙功能开启,并使PS5手柄进入...
其实是蓝牙连接,Dualsense按住PS按键和Share按键直到光条闪烁则开始匹配,PC去开启蓝牙 蓝牙添加设备,选择第一项,然后匹配名字叫“Wireless Controller”的设备(注意Dualshock 4与Dualsense同名),蓝牙连接成功后部份游戏支持(如tlou p1,只有按钮灯条但是没有任何震动和自适应板机)部分特殊游戏,如Bethesda Arkane的Prey,需要...
当然,今后上 PC 的 PS 系游戏多半也是支持扳机自适应功能的(如果原版本来就有),比如下个月的《对...