pc版,首先开始游戏前先连接ps5手柄,别开了游戏再连接。退出其他第三方手柄控制驱动,如ds4,steam。 来自Android客户端2楼2021-11-29 12:51 收起回复 战神丁真 假雅拉人 1 第一步打开声音设置,找到这个播放的驱动,3wireless controller 来自Android客户端5楼2021-11-29 12:54 回复 战神...
版本:1.49.0713 BUG修复: 1. 当背对某个人敌人时,无法反弹该敌人的飞弹的问题 2. 尝试修复罕见的boss无限隐身的问题 3. 修复了无头校尉的马腿后蹬不能被防御或破招的问题 4. 修复了主角可以通过自己的召唤物与神龛交互的问题 5. 修正夏侯雪剧情中的错别字 6. 移除小地图
Emulate Xbox 360 Controller while also getting the functionality of a DualSense Controller steamgamesadaptive-triggersdualsenseps5-controllerdualsense-controllerdualsense-pc-adaptive-triggersvigembushidhidedualsense-on-pc UpdatedAug 18, 2023 C# Unreal Engine 4 port of the Windows API for the PS5 DualSense...
The game is unplayable to the sense that you cannot rebind anything on the ps5 controller when on this game. Connecting though steam and setting up a config doesnt resolve the issue further. Loading into the game X on the ps5 or A on xbox for the main action button is R2 on the ps5 ...
首先下载安装驱动更新程序并将手柄驱动更新https://controller.dl.playstation.net/controller/lang/en/fwupdater.html 在Steam购买DSX软件,国区售价现为33元https://store.steampowered.com/app/1812620/DSX/ 下载RacingDSXhttps://github.com/cosmii02/RacingDSX ...
If you want to play non-Steam games with the DualSense there are a couple more steps involved, but nothing difficult. Here's a step-by-step guide to using the PS5 DualSense controller on PC with either wired USB or a wireless Bluetooth connection. PS5 controller on PC: Wired or Bluetooth...
Controller:DualSense - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game 4楼2024-09-07 20:28 收起回复 建盏乌托邦 黑色沙漠 8 Steam可以用任何手柄包括switch手柄其实国产也有很多精英手柄非常不错. 来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-09-15 20:27 回复 扫...
ToggleGame Rumbleto on. Setting up your controller for Steam will ensure that your controller is compatible with all Steam games. Once you've set up your controller, you can useSteam's Big Picture modeto navigate through the Steam interface with your PS5 controller smoothly. ...