Genre Action & AdventureCall of Duty WWII COD (Playstation 4 / PS4 ) World War 2 - Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies Action & AdventureGrand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition - PlayStation 4 First-Person ShooterCall of Duty: WWII COD (PS4 Playstation 4) World Wa...
RAID: World War II is an adrenaline-fueled four-player co-op shooter set during the time when the German war machine was still going strong. Four prisoners of war have been freed by Mrs. White and given a chance to redeem themselves. Their objective? By any means necessary stop the Germa...
WB Shuts Down Monolith, Player First Games, and WB Games San Diego, and Cancels Wonder Woman by William D'Angelo, posted February 25th World War II Tactical RPG Warsaw Announced for NS, PS4, PC - News Tweet by William D'Angelo , posted on 01 June 2019 / 2,783 Views Publisher ...
RAID: World War II est un jeu de tir coopératif à quatre joueurs riche en sensations fortes qui se déroule à une époque où la machine de guerre allemande faisait des ravages. Mme White a libéré quatre prisonniers et leur a donné une chance de se racheter. Leur objectif ? Arrêter...
Dead Island 2 踏上丧尸肆虐的洛杉矶地狱街头,展开大战丧尸的冒险之旅,感受人体恐怖、黑色幽默、血肉横飞。 化身仅存的几名幸存者之一,尝试穿越后末日时代的洛杉矶。每个角色均有独特的技能和鲜明的个性。利用深度技能系统自定义您的选择,将角色打造为终极丧尸杀手。
Experience Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny This Game is a Region Free PAL Game Imported from the UK. Works on all PS4 consoles HD TV and HDMI Cable connection may be required to play. ...
As the last episodes of the series offered players a chance to take part in fictitious and modern conflicts, Call of Duty WWII offers a return to the roots taking on the context of World War II, that made the success of the first three games. Call of Duty WWII, always offers a ...
It’s in this harsh, unforgiving world that he must fight to survive, and not only teach his son to do the same… but also prevent him from repeating the Ghost of Sparta’s bloodstained mistakes. This staggering reimagining of God of War combines all the hallmarks of the iconic series –...
Both a stunning technical achievement and a gold standard for video game storytelling in an open-world setting, Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the greatest games Rockstar Games has ever made, and one of the greatest games ever, period. Red Dead Redemption 2’s world is a sprawling and ...
制作发行: Demagog Studio / Rogue Games, Inc. 简介: Highwater is a story-driven 3D adventure game with isometric turn-based combat set in the flooded, post-apocalyptic space between the raging War Zone 查看详细信息 人数不足 玩家评分(0人) 前往众评 Mr.Brocco & Co 发行日期:2024-03-22...