3 然后把存放有更新包的 U 盘插入 PS4 机的 USB 口,长按电源键 7 秒以上来进行开机,此时 PS4 会自动进入安全模式。4 在安全模式里选择主菜单中的“Update System Software”(更新系统软件)选项,然后按照屏幕的提示一步步完成 PS4 v1.5 的更新安装。注意事项 如果 PS4 无法正确安装或识别更新内容,...
PS4 System Software Update – 固件下载官网 https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/system-updates/ps4/ PS4 Pro、PS4 Slim和PS4之间固件通用,不用单独选择型号,统一一个链接。 注意一下!官网的DOWNLOAD UPDATE是更新包,不要下载! 要点击下面蓝色字跳转到全量包下载位置!
SelectNotificationsfrom the PS4 function area, highlight the update file and press the OPTIONS button >Delete. Next, selectSettings>System Software Update. If you experience multiple failed downloads, please update the PS4 system software using a USB. Visit the guide below for more information....
Step 4.Clickhereto download the latest PS4 system software update file. Select theUPDATEfolder that you just created inside the USB drive and click on theSavebutton. Now, thePS4UPDATE.PUPfile should be saved in your USB drive. Note:Don’t change the file name. The PS4 system software up...
格式化為FAT32或exFAT的USB硬碟 PS5主機:手動更新系統軟體 PS4主機:手動更新系統軟體 我手動更新PlayStation系統軟體失敗了,該怎麼辦? 如果您的主機無法辨識更新檔案,請檢查USB硬碟格式是否為FAT32或exFAT,以及資料夾和檔案名稱是否皆正確。資料夾和檔案名稱需以單位元組的大寫字元輸入。 如果失敗,您可能需要重新安裝...
Our next PS5 and PS4 system software updates are rolling out globally today, so we wanted to provide a quick look at some of the new features. We’re also glad to share new details on Variable Refresh Rate for PS5 on HDMI 2.1-compatible TVs and PC monitors, which is planned to release...
Our latest software update for PlayStation 4, version 7.00, is launching this week worldwide. This update includes new functionality to key system features including Party and Remote Play features. Werevealed a number of featuresincluded in the newly enhanced Party prior to its beta earlier this ...
Play PS4 system software update 4.50 is out tomorrow: here’s everything you need to know Video Like this Details on external HDD, custom wallpaper, GIF support, new privacy options and more Jenny Murphy Producer, SCEA Our next major system software update for PlaySt...
Our next major system software update for PS4, version 4.50 (codenamed Sasuke), rolls out tomorrow. We’ve already shared some of the key features last month, like external HDD support and custom wallpapers, but that wasn’t all this update has to offer. Here’s a look at some additiona...
Tomorrow, PlayStation 4 will get an update to system software version 2.50, codenamed “Yukimura,” which will bring an onslaught of features: some you’ve been anticipating, many you’ve requested, and others that might surprise you. This update will make significant improvements to your PS...