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在嶄新的「曼巴時刻™」模式中,複製《NBA 2K24》傳奇封面球星Kobe Bryant的招牌技巧。探究Kobe從年輕傑出人才到史上最偉大的GOAT之一的卓越旅程,同時嘗試重現幾個奠定其傳奇地位的表現。 在MyCAREER成就偉大 建立您獨特的MyPLAYER,踏上漫漫NBA明星之路,從嶄露頭角的新人成長為備受尊崇的名人堂球星。探索籃球之城*...
《NBA 2K24》讓你組織自己的隊伍,體驗籃球文化的過去、現在與未來。享受MyCAREER帶給你的最純粹真實的精彩動作場面,以及無窮無盡的MyPLAYER個人化選項。收集令人驚豔的一票傳奇球星,在MyTEAM裡打造你的完美陣容。透過快速比賽,與你喜愛的NBA和WNBA隊伍同場較勁,感受更具反應性的遊戲體驗和更精緻洗鍊的視覺效果。
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NBA Player templates help new players start their NBA 2K journey. Build a player that resembles an NBA great and get ready to flex on your opponents and dominate the court. Hop into MyCAREER and see which player template suits your playstyle. ...
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在PlayStation Store購買《NBA 2K24》 版本: Kobe Bryant版 PS5 PS5™版《NBA 2K24》 Kobe Bryant版 PS4 PS4™版《NBA 2K24》 黑曼巴版 PS4PS5 PS4™版和PS5™版《NBA 2K24》 100,000 VC + 15,000點MyTEAM點數 10包MyTEAM推廣卡包 MyCAREER技能增強 + 服裝 2小時雙倍經驗值幣 Kobe Bryant藍...
NBA Player templates help new players start their NBA 2K journey. Build a player that resembles an NBA great and get ready to flex on your opponents and dominate the court. Hop into MyCAREER and see which player template suits your playstyle. ...
NBA Player templates help new players start their NBA 2K journey. Build a player that resembles an NBA great and get ready to flex on your opponents and dominate the court. Hop into MyCAREER and see which player template suits your playstyle. ...
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