Tout sur les dernières éditions de Marvel's Spider-Man (Standard, Deluxe numérique et Collector) sur le site web PlayStation officiel. Découvrez les infos, histoires, démos, captures d'écran, vidéos et bien d'autres éléments concernant Marvel's
En la última aventura del universo de Spider-Man de Marvel, el adolescente Miles Morales intenta ajustarse a su nuevo hogar mientras que sigue los pasos de su mentor, Peter Parker, para convertirse en el nuevo Spider-Man. Pero cuando un feroz enfrentamiento por el poder amenaza con destruir...
Peter Parker, as a new Spider-Man. But when a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home, the aspiring hero realizes that with great power, there must also come great responsibility. To save all of Marvel’s New York, Miles must take up the mantle of Spider-Man and own it...
Know the latest editions of Marvel's Spider-Man game like Standard, Digital Deluxe and Collector's Edition from the official PlayStation website. Explore Marvel's Spider-Man game details, story, demo, screenshots, videos and more.
不愧是marvel,游戏彩蛋都一大堆。图一dr strange 的圣所,图二复仇者大厦,图三四wakanda大使馆。#PS4漫威蜘蛛侠# û收藏 1 7 ñ8 c +关注 我真是太管斤了 2018-9-20 14:57 最后评论 来自ps4漫威蜘蛛侠超话 ps4漫威蜘蛛侠超话 现实与游戏。 û收藏 ...
漫威蜘蛛侠 Marvel's Spider-Man 爽快感爆棚,各种直球击打爽点,三天就穿了。绝佳的打击感和流畅的...
速报: PS4 Sp..INSOMNIAC GAMEShas revealed that three new suits will be arriving in the upcomingSPIDER-MAN PS4DLC T
漫威蜘蛛侠 Marvel's Spider Man 制作:Insomniac Games 发行:SIE 时间:2018.09 评价:优秀/82 N年...