PS4's best exclusives ranked and rated - What are the best PS4 exclusive games? Whether you're just starting your PS4 journey or have had one for since the b...
This post didnt have a specific author and was published by PS4 Home. See also PS4 Games Releasing This Month (March, 2015) Share. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Reddit Email Previous Article7 Things that will be different in the next-Gen. version of FIFA 14 Next Article Basem...
What is Destiny 2: The Final Shape? Confront oblivion and face the Witness The Final Shape looms – a nightmarish calcification of reality into the Witness's twisted design. Embark on a perilous journey into the heart of the Traveler, rally the Vanguard, and end the War of Light and Darkn...
Episodes will each contain three Acts, with a new Act releasing every six weeks – containing new stories, quests, activities, weapons, artefact mods, pass ranks and rewards. Three Lights New Supers in The Final Shape Defeating the Witness will require untold power. Arc Hunters, Void Titans,...
The only problem I can think of with releasing this so cheap to test the water is that people are going to buy it because of the price and not necessarily because they are interested in the series. I don’t think the sales numbers for this game are going to be an accurate representatio...
But game developers are still rolling out new PS5 games, and there may be a few classics in the making releasing this month. The highly anticipated RPG "Elden Ring" leads the charge in this onslaught of games. The Hidetaka Miyazaki-directed "Elden Ring," with an eye...
November 1st - The 'how we test' section of this page was updated to include a more in-depth explanation of how we test each and every individual headset, and what games we use while testing each one to ensure a thorough review. During this update I also included an author section to ...
Bastion originally released a whopping four years ago. I remember playing it at PAX or PAX East and thinking, "holy crap this is cool." The issue then was that the game was releasing for Xbox Live and I would be fired from this site if I were to boot up
If 2018 has demonstrated one thing thus far, it’s that the trend of remastering video games isn’t likely to end anytime soon. The remake/port/remaster train isn’t slowing down, either, with Dark Souls: Remastered, an updated version of 2011’s Dark Souls, releasing earlier this month...
Whenever I feel bad I play this game and I feel better. I recommended this game to my aunt, after she lost her mum (my granny). She isn’t a player, never ever played video games, but when she started Journey she couldn’t stop, she played it from the beginning to the end 2 ...