PS4 games come alive on PS5 Discover a back catalogue brimming with new potential and a growing roster of critically-acclaimed PS4 hits that look and feel incredible on PS5. PlayStation 5 backwards compatibility Play 4,000+ PS4 games on your PS5 console Get access to a massive collection of...
PS4 games come alive on PS5 Discover a back catalogue brimming with new potential and a growing roster of critically-acclaimed PS4 hits that look and feel incredible on PS5. PlayStation 5 backwards compatibility Play 4,000+ PS4 games on your PS...
When the PlayStation 5 launches this November, more than 99 percent of the 4000+ games available on PS4 will be playable on PS5. We know you have questions about how PS4 games will work on PS5, so here is a quick overview on some common questions we’ve seen from the PlayStation com...
Attack on Titan 2 ATV Drift & Tricks AVICII Invector Battleborn (no longer playable due to server shutdown) Battlefield 1 Battlefield 4 Battlefield Hardline Battlefield V Battlewake Battlezone Gold Edition Bayonetta 10th Anniversary Biomutant
Arcade, Role Playing Games Screen Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details...
【PS5版《蜘蛛侠》..【PS5版《蜘蛛侠》暂无推出实体版计划,与PS4版存档不能互通】近日Insomniac Games在官方社交平台上解答粉丝问题时透露,在PS5平台上《蜘蛛侠》高清重制版无实体版,并且与PS4版存档不互
Made to take full advantage of the PS5 hardware, Chivalry 2’s 64-player medieval madness runs in a glorious 4K at 60 FPS with beautifully rendered details, immersive haptic feedback, and other significant improvements made possible on PlayStation 5. Chivalry 2 also supports cross-generational up...
大家好! PM Studios很興奮地宣布,我們美麗的益智平台遊戲《Hoa》將於今年7月登陸PS5和PS4。 玩家在《Hoa》的世界穿梭,努力破解探索式謎題時,將沉浸在令人嘆為觀止的手繪美術、迷人的音樂以及平靜輕鬆的氛圍中。你將扮演主角Hoa踏上旅途,穿越暖人心扉的環境,回到她最初的起點,並在過程中體驗大自然和想像力的魔力...
平台:PC Switch PS4 XBOXONE PS5 XboxSeriesX 开发:Super Giant Games 发售:2020-09-17 类型:动作游戏 语言:简中 | 英文 《堡垒》和《晶体管》开发商Super Giant Games今日在TGA上公布了一个新的roguelike游戏《哈迪斯(Hades)》。哈迪斯是古希腊神话中的冥界之王,同时还是掌管瘟疫的神。《哈迪斯》强调融合手绘的...