已连接至互联网的PC或Mac电脑 格式化为FAT32或exFAT的USB盘 PS5主机:手动更新系统软件 PS4主机:手动更新系统软件 我的PlayStation系统软件手动更新失败,该怎么办? 如果您的主机无法识别更新文件,请检查USB是否为FAT32或exFAT格式,以及文件夹名称和文件名是否正确。使用大写字母以单字节字符输入文件夹名称和文件名。
Using a PC or Mac, create a folder named “PS4” on a USB drive formatted as FAT32. Inside that folder, create another folder named “UPDATE”. Download the update file (link here) and save it in the “UPDATE” folder. Save the file as “PS4UPDATE.PUP”. Plug the USB...
Proceeding the PS4 System Software / Firmware 11.50 OFW Update, today Sony pushed live PS4 System Software / Firmware 11.52 OFW with the PS4UPDATE.PUP...
The 194MB update followsPS4 firmware 1.7, which includes Share Factory and other updates.We've got the full list of what changed here. Today's update comes with a solitary patch note, which reads, "System software stability during use of some features has been improved." At the time of ...
Sony Interactive Entertainment has rolled out PS4 Firmware update 4.74 which brings performance improvements to the system.
Just over a month ago Sony released a PS4 OFW 6.71 Update followed by a few 6.80 Beta Updates for those in their PlayStation Preview Program, and today another PS4 System Software / Firmware 6.72 update went live with the changelog stating only "This system software update improves system ...
Sony released PS4 firmware update version 8.0, which integrates group and event tabs. Instead, communities and events were removed, and what's worse, access to PSN was broken. The PS4 firmware update to version 8.0 is nowavailable. There are new options in the party, support for external ...
Firmware Update 9.00 has entered the beta phase forPlayStation 4testers; one of the more notable changes will allow PS4 players to view theirPlayStation 5Trophy list. While remote play allows PS4 players to control Sony's newer console, the two systems aren't always perfectly in sync, evide...
Sony has found the goodwill in its collective heart to bless us all with another PlayStation 4 firmware update, 7.02, just in time for the holiday. Unlike the previous patch, this update is mandatory, so you'll have to install it if you want to access network features during the ...
Sony has finally released the new firmware version 6.00 for all the PlayStation4 users. This firmware update should be available to download now in most regions around the world. Strangely, the changelog that comes with the firmware update doesn’t mention anything important. Simplely: This …...