Scuf Gaming is one of the best controller makers around so when looking to upgrade your PlayStation 4 experience, it's hard to go wrong with one of their products. However we'll help you ...
Buy PlayVital Thumbs Cushion Caps Thumb Grips for ps5, for ps4, Thumbstick Grip Cover for Xbox Series X/S, Thumb Grip Caps for Xbox One, Elite Series 2, for Switch Pro Controller - Blue at
The Best in Tekken 7 Gamepads and Fightsticks When it comes to a game like Tekken 7, chances are you'll be able to get away with using a cheaper 3rd party controller for the first ten or twenty hours of online play. However, you'll quickly find yourself struggling in the mid to upp...
I think that Zombi U could have been profitable if it hadn't had gone through 3 revisions (from Killer Rabbids on 360/PS3 to Killer Freaks to Zombi U). Zombi U is a great survival horror game, its strong point was the atmosphere it created but some of that is due ...