搜索设备:在电脑的蓝牙设置中,点击“添加蓝牙或其他设备”,选择“蓝牙”选项,系统将开始搜索可用设备。 选择手柄:在搜索结果中找到“Wireless Controller”或“PS4 Controller”,点击连接。 确认连接:连接成功后,手柄上的灯条将变为常亮状态,表示已成功连接。 3.2 驱动程序设置 (Driver Configuration) 与有线连接类似,...
搜索设备:在电脑的蓝牙设置中,点击“添加蓝牙或其他设备”,选择“蓝牙”选项,系统将开始搜索可用设备。 选择手柄:在搜索结果中找到“Wireless Controller”或“PS4 Controller”,点击连接。 确认连接:连接成功后,手柄上的灯条将变为常亮状态,表示已成功连接。 3.2 驱动程序设置 (Driver Configuration) 与有线连接类似,...
Once connected, navigate to Steam’s settings menu—under the top left dropdown—to get everything running smoothly. Under the Controller tab, open General Controller Settings; you should see your controller listed under Detected Controllers. From here you can register it to your account, so it ...
You can play ROBLOX or Fortnite with your favorite controller, you just need to set it up. We’re going to explain how to connect an Xbox or PS4 controller to PCs via a USB cable or Bluetooth. Then we’ll share how to speed up your PC and keep your drivers updated for the ultimat...
#1. Connect the Controller via USB Tip:You’d better backup important game data on PS4 before troubleshooting PS4 controller not connecting or at least get a reliable data recovery tool at hand in case of accidents.Here’s how to recover data from PS4 hard drive. ...
首先请优先使用有线的方式连接将DS或DS4到你的PC,这样你可以获得所有PS手柄的功能其次对于Dualshock 4,你可以使用已经绝版的官方的“DUALSHOCK 4 USB Wireless Adapter (For PC & Mac)”,使用方式:首先将接收器插入PC上的USB接口,此时接收器上会发出蓝色的光,呼吸的感觉,缓慢的节奏,然后将接收器用一点点的力气...
首先你的电脑必须有蓝牙功能或者USB的蓝牙适配器然后打开win7控制面板 右上搜索"蓝牙"在设备和打印机下面就能看到"添加bluetooth设备"点开以后拿起你的DS4 同时按下PS+SHARE键大概3秒就会看到那个瞎眼灯开始闪,同时电脑也会显示搜索到"wireless controller"pin码是0000接着就OK了,如果是插usb线的,可以跳过上面步骤完...
1) Press the power button on your PS4 console to turn it on. 2) Connect the micro connector of your USB cable to your PS4 controller. You can find the mini USB port on the back of your controller. 3) Plug the other end of your USB cable into the console. ...
To initiate the PS4 initialization, adhere to the following steps: Step 1. Press and hold the power-off button until two beeps signal the entry into safe mode. Release the button and await the activation of safe mode. Step 2. Connect the DualShock4 controller to your PS4 using a USB ca...
Stream your PS4 and PS5 games to any compatible iOS or Android device, PC or Mac, and play using your DualSense or DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller. Download the free app now.