进入商店显示CE-38703-01是怎么回事?近日有许多小伙伴的PS4都出现了这种状况,无法连接PSN,这让人很头疼,不要急~接下来由小编来告诉大家具体的解决方法吧! 解决方法: 一般是网络问题。。如果用了代理的话是代理问题 sony也会ban IP 一般ban的都是代理的ip,解决方法:过几天自动修复 如果题主在墙内并且没用代理...
6回复贴,共1页 <返回ps4国行吧错误ce-38703-1有没有大神知道为什么连不上商店 只看楼主收藏回复 liubo_520live 中级粉丝 2 错误ce-38703-1有没有大神知道为什么连不上商店送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-12-01 20:28回复 liubo_520live 中级粉丝 2 自顶 来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-12-01 20:33...
SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ENOMEM CE-30012-6 0x8002000C Cannot allocate memory / Internal error // Step 1: Update the PS4 system with the latest system software. Step 2: If the software is up to date and the error continues, backup all saved data. Delete the application with the error and insta...
SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ENXIO CE-30006-9 0x80020006 Device not configured / Error occurred while accessing the data (bad USB device or bad external/internal HDD) // Step 1: If this error occurs when connecting a USB device, try another USB device. Step 2: If you changed the console's internal...