We have concluded an in-depth investigation into controller issues some players are reporting, and we are focused on preparing a Title Update to address those issues. In the meantime, if you're experiencing problems with your controller, you can try a potential workaround we've previously shared...
Call me old fashioned, but one usually celebrates such an occasion with a thank you gift. Asking us to buy yet another console at $500 is noway a thank you. Seriously… “Hey thanks for helping us sell 500 million consoles! As a thank you, we’d like to sell you y...
This will result in an occasion that allows players access to the Fuyufusagi Fortress. Light Stones can be found in the vicinity of Fuyufusagi Fortress. Similar to the Mirror Stone found in Akikure Canyon, this precious substance is an upgrade stone particular to the area. Moreover, these ...
Cheers! (Bronze): Drink at every occasion. Mouse (Bronze): Complete the ECHOES level undetected by the Watchmen. No shooting allowed (Bronze): Kill 10 enemies in a row with Throwing Knives. Patron of the Arts (Bronze): Watch the entire Theater Show. ...
On occasion they will lay a golden egg worth 1,000 gold. At the sunken ship to the northwest, there is also a beetle where the ship meets the water. In the area to the very north of the map, there is a ruby on a cow skull on a post near the first hut on the right. In the...
OCCASION":"This event has been marked as abuse","messageMarkedAsAbuse@board:IDEA":"This idea has been marked as abuse","preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther...