下载好游戏和模拟器后,打开rpcs3.exe/vita3k.exe,运行file下的Install Firmware ,选择PS3/PSVUPdate.pup文件,安装固件。固件安装完毕后,把下好的游戏文件放入dev_hdd0文件夹中的disc文件夹里或利用Install pkg、zip或Install game 选择游戏文件所在文件夹。重启exe文件,查看游戏,右键boot开始游戏。一些要注意 分享99...
PS3 developer Evilnat has made a new update of hisCFW 4.90 Evilnat Cobra 8.4with 20 variations (CEX/DEX/noBD/noBT/OC) & several new features including a new Cobra payload, OtherOS support and a port of 4.84 DEX to 4.90 (aka PEX). In addition to the existing features in CFW 4.90 li...
1.5 将下载好的PS3UPDAT.PUP复制到PS3/UPDATE文件夹下;1.6 将U盘插到PS3上,在PS3菜单中选择“...
1. After you download "MinVerChk" you will see a "PS3UPDAT.PUP" file. Put that file in a folder named "UPDATE" and that folder in another folder named "PS3", now move the "PS3" folder to the root of your external HDD (USB flash drive in most cases). 2. Go the "Settings"...
PS3 System Update 4.88 has just been released (1st June 2021) Changelog (Unofficial): Updated Blu-Ray keys for new movie releases System fixes (possible security fixes?) You do not need to reinstall firmware on the emulator to keep using RPCS3 if you already use 4.87 Download: EVILNAT 4.88...
我首发买的ps4,最近买了一个ps3 slim。看你是不是核心玩家了,ps3上面的大作都被移植的差不多了...
You can do it with the help of RPCS3, a PS3 emulator that can run all your PS3 favorites. Our guide will show you how to install RPCS3 via EmuDeck and how to get the emulator up and running. Step 1: Install RPCS3 via EmuDeck ...
PS3Updat.PUP Bear in mind that this update is completely safe. Just ignore your browser if it detects it as unsafe. That’s a false positive. Now open your RPCS3 emulator, and follow these simple steps: Open Your RPCS3 Emulator and head to Install Firmware 1 / 3 How to Setup Your...
PUP MD5: 6FD6EA6458C0AD202289217B079922BC Both tested on NOR and NAND. From XMB and Recovery.Release link. Littlebalup’s PyPS3tools updated 4.89:Release link Posted in| PS3 developer Evilnat made a new update of hisCFW 4.89 Evilnat Cobra 8.3 (CEX)with a number of new options like...
Disabled update from OFW PUP in Recovery Mode Dualboot compatible Allowed installing of retail PKG on DEX Allowed installing pseudo-retail PKG Enabled [★Unlock], [★Lock], and [★Delete] options in Trophies Compatibility with Remote Play