Unlike previous updates, firmware v2.43 is specific to the Japan region, and only PS3 users there will be required to install the update. PS3 users in all other regions will not be prompted to download v2.43. However, if you manually initiate a firmware update by clicking on “System ...
PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update The next system software update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) system will be released on April 1, 2010 (JST), and will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 20...
Hi everyone, we’re adding some great new features with the next PS3 firmware update (v2.70) that will continue to enhance your connected experience on the PS3. The 2.70 update brings a new Text Chat feature that enables you to communicate online with your PlayStation Network friends. Now,...
today Sony pushed live a new PS3 Firmware / System Software 4.86 Update for those who still own a PlayStation 3 entertainment system video game console. 😷 :alert: As always, it's NEVER a wise...
Update PS3 firmware For quite a long time the highest custom PS3 firmware version remained 3.55, recent developments allowed to jailbreak higher firmware versions, which proved to be safe to update. While you are still on 3.55 though, it is highly recommended to enableQA Flaganddump NAND/NOR...
Sony has released aPS3 firmware update, version 4.90. There's nothing fancy in the update--it improves system performance and requires a minimum 200 MB of free space on the PS3 hard drive or storage media. It's impressive to see PS3 updates still rolling out, especially since we're on...
打开rpcs3模拟器,选择Tools,然后点选Install Firmware,找到 PS3UPDAT.PUP 打开即可安装。实机:1.利用PC或Mac电脑,在格式化为FAT32的USB硬碟上建立一个名为「PS3」的资料夹。2.在该资料夹里建立另一个名为「UPDATE」的资料夹。下载更新档案并将档案储存至您于步骤 1 建立的「UPDATE」资料夹里。3.将档案命名...
Following their previous revision, today Sony pushed live a PS3 System Software / Firmware 4.91 Update which 'improves system performance' yet again for...
Codename: REBUG - Enhanced Firmware http://rebug.me 去看看 系统刷入步骤: 整个系统的刷入也非常的简单,首先你需要一个U盘 fat格式,新建一个PS3文件夹,下面再新建UPDATE文件夹,把下载好的REBUGxxxxxxxxxxxx_PS3UPDAT.PUP改名为PS3UPDAT.PUP放入update文件夹中。关闭网络,取出光盘从设置里面关于主机,手动选择升级...
PS3 Firmware Update (v3.01) now available Hi everyone, PS3 system software update 3.01 is now available for download. This is an optional update that improves system stability during use of some PlayStation 3 format software.