2016.Youcanusethisupdatetoupgradeyoursystemsoftwareto version4.78. IfyourPS3™systemsoftwareversionis4.78(orlater),youdonot needtoperformthisupdate.Tochecktheversionofyoursystem software,goto(Settings)>(SystemSettings)>[System Information]. English|Français|Español|Português ...
Now, the fun begins…e3 is right around the corner and I hope there is a massive update that will please everyone! greenday316 May 15, 2011 at 11:35 PM GMT+8 I downloaded the update, and then my brother’s user file was removed from the list of files, so I was just wondering ...
Hopefully there will be an update for the copy protected save file issue. This needs to be resolved. mdd34 April 2, 2009 at 8:20 AM GMT+8 @37 – Dude the PSN has come a long way in just a year. This time last year you couldnt even access in-game XMB. I’m sure it’s a...
1.5 将下载好的PS3UPDAT.PUP复制到PS3/UPDATE文件夹下;1.6 将U盘插到PS3上,在PS3菜单中选择“...
Update:更新补丁; EBOOT.BIN:更新补丁的可执行文件。 如果要进行执行下载内容的卸载或内容提取可参考上述关系删除对应文件。 如何直接给机器里装好的游戏打补丁? 有些玩家可能已经在机器里装好了这个游戏,如果为了安装补丁将所有文件取出来打补丁再放回去显得有些繁琐。
710102 DNS Error; No DSN server available DNS错误,没有可用的DSN服务器 8013030 System Error due to failed update download 系统错误由于没有更新下载 80010001 Major Error,Game ability stopped 严重错误,游戏功能停止 80010017 Can't start Blueray Game 无法启动蓝光格式游戏 80010510 Will not play hard ...
ipkg update命令,ipkg会到http://downloads.openwrt.org/whiterussian/packages/下载并更新最新的软件包列表 ipkg install coreutils就是安装包含nohup指令的工具包 接着就是分配个路径给PS3NETSRV存放你的PS3游戏,或者蓝光等资源文件,最后nohup命令开启PS3NETSRV服务,就搭好了环境,然后PS3就可以扫描到NAS上资源了。
PS3 PKG Game backups need to be prepared with TABR and only ps3 games having an available "game update" are supported.PKG files are installed from the Games XMB column, using a version of the Rebug Package Manager tweaked for this project. On USB of course, the FAT32 limitation of ...
Extract the Roms or ISO file using extract software on your system. Start playing your favorite game PlayStation 3 . We always try to update freePS3 Romsdownload file on our website. So , always make sure all about our update games are available on our website. We ensure you ,our PS...
After new installation of ps3netsrv v1.47.37-7 or v1.47.45-8 the installer-variables file contains one entry SHARE_PATH=PS3 (the variable defines the share name as SHARE_PATH and not SHARE_NAME !) But it is even worse: With an update of ps3netsrv from v1.47.37-7 or v1.47.45-...