What's the word on Homebrew (HEN) for NoN-CFW Compatible Models?Given the results of our research so far, we do not think that we can solve the PS3 homebrew hurdle from userland (unless we find some unexpected vulnerability, chances of that are ultra slim though!). It's clear...
没有PSP游戏效果提升的那么犀利 有时间我会上几张截图 另外不会用PS3玩PS2游戏的基友可以联系我《仅限破解机》 分享462 ps3吧 双截龍BIILY 求助请教大神ps3破解机如何运行ps2游戏机器是ps3 slim 3012b hen破 想模拟几个十分想玩的ps2游戏 《君临都市》《皇牌空战0-4-5》《王牌机师-异世纪传说ACE1-2-3》...