To cut through the confusion, we’ve rounded up the10 best PS3 games you can play on your PS5in 2025, which incorporates top-tier titles from PlayStation’s history.We have excluded games that have been remastered or remade for the PS4 and PS5 generations, as they are easier to play n...
PS3独占游戏销量top8、《抵抗:人类灭亡》(Resistance: Fall of Man)估算销量419万 《抵抗:人类灭亡》开发商则是曾经开发过《瑞奇与叮当》系列的大名鼎鼎的Insomniac Games。对于广大玩家而言,一件众所周知的事情就是,一款全新主机的首发独占游戏质量其实往往并不怎么样。原因有很多,包括开发周期,成本预算以及对全新主...
总计销量:419W 《抵抗:灭绝人类》发售于2006年光棍节,是PS3主机的首发独占游戏。开发商则是曾经开发过《瑞奇与叮当》系列的大名鼎鼎的Insomniac Games。对于广大玩家而言,一件众所周知的事情就是,一款全新主机的首发独占游戏质量其实并不怎么样。原因有很多,包括开发周期,成本预算以及对全新主机构架和开发环境的逐步适...
Over 1K gamers have voted on the 30+ items on Best PS3 First-Person Shooter Games. Current Top 3: Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of ...
Over 600 gamers have voted on the 70+ items on Best PS3 Action Games. Current Top 3: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, God of War III, Batman: Arkham City
Best Games on PS3 Find your next game for any platform. Filter by platform, genre, or release year. 1,265 results 1.Grand Theft Auto IV Apr 29, 2008•RatedM [Metacritic's 2008 PS3 Game of the Year; Also known as "GTA IV"] What does the American Dream mean today? For Niko ...
And those are our picks for the top 10 PS3 games of all time! There were, of course, a lot of other great games we loved, so check out our previous Top 25 PS3 games list on IGN Playlist using the tool below. You can even remix and rerank that entire list yourself or make your...
数据来源: 来自古剑奇谭吧 阿莎馨珂蕾徳😜 猪唱海豚音05-24 8 IGN评选PS3最佳游戏Top25 《神秘海域3》夺魁 IGN评选出了PS3的最佳游戏Top25,有兴趣的玩家可以看下,没玩过的这些游戏的玩家可以尝试一下。 01 - 神秘海域3(Uncharted ...
旗下“EA Games”是其最主要的品牌。该品牌的游戏如《极品飞车》、《战地》、《红色警戒》等都为玩家津津乐道。下面就为大家介绍下这些精彩的游戏吧! 《质量效应2》是BioWare的《质量效应》三部曲的第2部,这款科幻RPG将带你走向宇宙的最深处,最黑暗的所在,你必须揭开一些很神秘的东西。这是一个相当于自杀式...