1 下载工具上面的固件以及模拟器到电脑上面,接着在图一这里右键x64位软件,然后选择解压到xx目录,进入这个文件夹。2 进入文件夹后点击图一的图标,然后一切正常的则会弹出图二的软件。3 点击模拟器这里左上角的file 选择install firmware,接着电脑会继续弹窗菜单,选择下载的ps3updat.pup文件选择打开。4 打开后...
PUP MD5: 04EC80EDD3ED40359D203BFF3B28F608 Download:HFW 4.90 Dual Boot firmwarefor PS3 already on CFW CEX Same as Littlebalup’s 4.90 DB, but with silk_webkit.sprx from 4.82 to allow install ps3xploit (HEN) PUP MD5: F059690E24A308FE98AF401CF037A793 Posted inBrewology|1 Comment ...
1、先下xbm下使用REBUG_3.55.3_999_DGR_PS3UPDAT.PUP降级到3.55 2、使用REBUG-TOOL工具设置系统为REBUG模式,将xbm运行模式为Reail模式 上传者:zhangqip时间:2013-05-28 NX二次开发UF-DRAW-set-suppress-view-updat 函数介绍 NX二次开发UF_DRAW_set_suppress_view_updat 函数介绍,Ufun提供了一系列丰富的 API ...
PUP Unpacker RCO Dumper SELF Reader PARAM.SFO Editor webMAN MOD features PS3NetSrv Utilities Create folder structure (GAMES, PS3ISO, ...) Manage virtual folders for ps3netsrv Share a single folder Share configured managed virtual folders ...
(3)点击左上角“File”-“Install Firmware”,选择下载好的PS3系统固件“PS3UPDAT.PUP”,选择打开。 (4)等待固件加载,成功在终端会有绿字提示“Successfully installed PS3 firmware version 4.88.”且弹出如下窗口: (5)使用 USB 线插入你的控制器,选择“Pads”配置你的控制器 ...
inthecatsdreams / PS3-PUP-DL Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests A CLI tool that uses archive.midnightchannel.net to download PUPs from. ps3 ps3-tool ps3-cfw ps3-ofw Updated Jun 30, 2023 Python bucanero / ps3loadx Star 16 Code Issues Pull requests PS3LoadX loader ps3 psl...
To check, its easy with this simple tool for OFW, Download minverchk.rar Then place the .pup file on a FAT32 USB Flash Drive in a PS3/UPDATE folder (create path if needed) Now on the PS3 XMB goto Setting ->> System Update >>> Update via Media Storage Once shown on the li...
Extract the file on your PC desktop using Unzipper. Run RPCS3.exe. First, you have to install CFW it should be the latest version. Go to Too > Install Framework. Select the PS3 Jailbreak 4.81 file. (Filename should be PS3UPDAT.PUP). ...
version 4.30.1. When download completes, take a thumb drive, create a PS3 folder on it, UPDATE folder inside, and copy the downloaded .pup file there. Rename the file tops3updat.pupif required. Now plug the thumdrive into Playstation 3 USB port, select System Update from the menu and...
2.4 把这个PS3UPDAT.PUP放到U盘PS3/UPDATE文件夹下;2.5 把U盘插到PS3上;2.6 在PS3关机状态下...