PS2 Classics Vault is a FREE service for PS3 owners to obtain PS1, PS2, & PS3 Games directly to their PS3 system. open-sourceps1freeps3ps2classicspkgstore UpdatedMar 10, 2025 Alpine based docker image for ps3netsrv (with arm compatibility). Built with the latest ps3netsrv binaries from...
6、用MM或IRIS MANAGER加载游戏并运行游戏 7、进入游戏后点击Retrive list,点击箭头在下拉菜单中选择/dev_hdd0/game/BCAS20279/EBOOT.BIN 8、Set Memory行,Offset输入2297A8,Size选择dword(32b),Input输入7C9F2378再点击Poke便可锁定时间,若想解除锁定,输入7FE43014即可(代码来源:GAMES24 9、Enjoy 下载地址:K73....
Runmaketo create a release build. If you want to include the latest save patches in your.pkgfile, runmake createzip. Finally, runmake pkgto create a.pkginstall file. You can also set thePS3LOADenvironment variable to the PS3 IP address:export PS3LOAD=tcp:x.x.x.x. This will allow you...
Converting to PKG with POP-FE loads fine. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Playable ? ? Harvest Moon: Back to Nature • Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon• 牧場物語 ハーベストムーン PSone Classic PSone Classic PSone Classic Hashiriya: Ookami-tachi no Densetsu • 走り屋 ...
(hosts hide in system tray, remember last used folders, supports up to 10 hosts, white list, etc.) PKG ContentID 1.0new! It’s a tool for view quickly the ContentID of a PKG. (It does more than that, please read the readme for details) ...
- Updated and cleaned up downloadPKG_thread2 function - Added detection of dev_build toggle for usb000 and usb001 Payload Changes - Pad function fixed to not hang when more than one device is connected (thanks @aldostools) - Disabled VSH Attach To Debugger as default, to not conflict with...
PS3 Update Finder allows you (on any OS) to find update PKGs for your games! Props to NzHawk for bringing this URL to the public and making the first awesome finder :) Double click the URL to copy to clipboard or click "DL" to load inPKG Downloader ...
PS3 全能街机 FBA 模拟器一键安装PKG版 开心就好... PS3 全能街机FBA模拟器 是最好的模拟器 容量大小达到4GB以上 地址:https://pan.quark.cn/s/1b0fb33dc281 直接安装就可以运行 雕乸孖 3-12 2 ucg《游戏机实用技术》 PDF全集1-528期 天大ovo UCG游戏机实用技术大全套,非游戏人,怀旧玩家,掌机...