Get the latest PlayStation®3 system software update. PS3 system software update 4.91 An update to the PS3™ system software was released on 27/02/24. To download the update, you need a minimum of 200MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removab...
Latest News Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii InterviewKarma: The Dark World out on PS5 March 27Promise Mascot Agency PS5 demo out todaySplit Fiction hands-on report Comments are closed. Astro Bot: five new levels and Special Bots begin rolling out today ...
Eric LempelSVP & Head of Global Marketing, SIE A newPS3 systemsoftware update, v3.55, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch. Did you like this? Like this Latest News World premiere of the Until Dawn movie trailer10 must-play platformers available with ...
To download the update, you need a minimum of 200MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removable storage media (PC Update). Always update your PS3 system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you can enjoy additional features, im...
Step 1.Ensure that the latest system software update is installed on your PlayStation 3 system. To check the system software, access the XMB Menu, and choose System Settings > [System Information]. Visit theSony PlayStation update pageand update it to the latest version of the system so...
Hi everyone, in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible, we’ll be adding a few new features to PlayStation 3 (PS3) via the latest system software update, which is a mandatory update and will be available shortly. Most notably, you’ll ...
PS3 Firmware Update (v3.01) now available Hi everyone, PS3 system software update 3.01 is now available for download. This is an optional update that improves system stability during use of some PlayStation 3 format software.
LatestVersion:4.78 AnupdatetothePS3™systemsoftwarewasreleasedonJanuary20, 2016.Youcanusethisupdatetoupgradeyoursystemsoftwareto version4.78. IfyourPS3™systemsoftwareversionis4.78(orlater),youdonot needtoperformthisupdate.Tochecktheversionofyoursystem ...
As always, we'll revise this article when Sony updates their page with the official PS3 System Software Update 4.83 changelog alongside confirmation from PS3 scene developers on what's patched or not patched in this latest PlayStation 3 4.83 Firmware version. PlayStation console SONY gaming produ...
Sony PlayStation 3 system software update version 4.11 Sony PlayStation 3 系统软件更新版本 4.11 自2012年 2月16日起,将开始提供PS3™主机的新版更新程式。经本次更新后,系统软件之版本将升级为4.11,并更新以下机能。 PlayStation®3的系统软件会随著随时提供的更新版本,而追加各种新机能或强化安全性。请...