我上回40刀收了个4000无硬盘版…自己上次回国淘了块加了进去…我估计他是看gamestop tradein价格直接给我了 lv-devil72020-12-05 16:57修改 @lv-devil7我现在的主力PS3也是在GameStop收的无硬盘版,4000型应该是叫12g的版本还是什么,多少钱我忘了,反正挺便宜,好几年前买的。不过我把机器拿回家,想自己放硬...
Those who pre-order the game will receive 10 bonus standard-item packs and a MLB The Show Player Rep Rookie Card when you pick-up or download the game. Those who pre-order at GameStop (or EB Games in Canada) will additionally receive five bonus item packs and those who pre order...