这个BLJS-10039表示这个游戏的信息,包括游戏的名称版本等信息,把这个文件夹通过你喜欢的方式拷贝到PS3的hdd0/GAMES(如果没有自己创建该文件夹)下。然后回PS3的游戏管理器里刷新以下就会看到刚拷贝进去的游戏打开测试OK 5楼2024-08-19 20:49 回复 emugamer 傻缺盒子 7 平常运行的ISO格式(DecryptedISO)的文件是...
Get PS4 PKG, PS3 ISO, PC, and Xbox 360 Games for Free. All games are available in Fake PKG, Jtag, Rgh, and Dvds, along with Updates.
A:PKG file viewer is a simple software that allows you to view what is inside the PKG file. Q: Why I need PS3 PKG viewer? A:When you download any PS3 game using PSN Stuff. Then you get only PS3 PKG game or PS3 demo games with many formats such as C00, PKG, DLC, and others...
I give you this tool after the successful test with your own. With the help of PS3 PKG Builder, you can easily make the PS3 games PKG files with ease. When you are going to perform this process make sure your PS3 should be jailbroken. Please follow the steps as given below. You ...
Where to get.pkglinks? You can usePSDLEto find.pkgURLs for the games you own. Then either use the original URL, or host the file on your own web server. Where to remove interrupted/failed downloads to free up disk space? Check the/dev_hdd0/tmp/pkgifolder - each download will be in...
–Use PS2 FAN Modes on PS2 Classic games (make sure webMAN MOD FAN Control is disabled) Download:Littlebalup’s 4.89 Dual Boot firmwarefor PS3 already on CFW CEX PUP MD5: 9466FC0D75F42E22E3B9E3B8D76C58AD Download:HFW 4.89 Dual Boot firmwarefor PS3 already on CFW CEX ...
Download PSGroove18Freeware PS3Win helps you to manage your list of PS3 games locally and on your PS3. Non-reviewed NoPSN.com Packages For Apps To Bypass PSN Signin On PS3 httpnopsn.compkgps3youtube Download AVAST Software\Browser1 ...
Where to get.pkglinks? You can usePSDLEto find.pkgURLs for the games you own. Then either use the original URL, or host the file on your own web server. Where to remove interrupted/failed downloads to free up disk space? Check the/dev_hdd0/tmp/pkgifolder - each download will be in...