through adventures of treasure seeking and deception to the scandals of the Wild West. It’s an eclectic mix of games, all with one very distinct thing in common – they represent the best of Sony’s third gaming console.
Best Games on PS3 Find your next game for any platform. Filter by platform, genre, or release year. 1,265 results 1.Grand Theft Auto IV Apr 29, 2008•RatedM [Metacritic's 2008 PS3 Game of the Year; Also known as "GTA IV"] What does the American Dream mean today? For Niko ...
Since I started thisgamereviewing gig, I've referred to many a terrible game as being a guilty pleasure. G.I. Joe and the second Transformers movie tie-in games jump immediately to mind as Metacritic bombs that I actually enjoyed, but it seems now the term "guilty pleasure" has taken on...