英文名称:Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 游戏类型:第一人称射击类(FPS)游戏 游戏制作:Sledgehammer Games/Raven Software 游戏发行:Activision 游戏平台:PS3 发售时间:2014年11月4日 官方网站:http://www.callofduty.com/advancedwarfare 游戏介绍: 动视公布《使命召唤》系列新作,定名为《使命召唤11:高级战争》。
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《COD4》PS3版联机BUG解决 Infinity Ward公司的次世代FPS游戏《使命召唤4(Call of Duty 4)》刚刚发售,玩家们就立刻投入到了空前火热的联机对战中。但与自由享受联机游戏乐趣的X360玩家不同,PS3版《使命召唤4》的玩家之前一直被联机过程中恼人的BUG所困扰,好在这种状况即将得到解决。 Infinity Ward今天正式对外确认,...
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2007 94 votes Developer: n-Space Also ranks #35 on Sony PlayStation 3 Games: List of PS3 Console Games Also ranks #1 on Every Infinity Ward Call Of Duty Game, Ranked By Fans Also ranks #3 on The Best Xbox One Shooter Games You Should Be Playing Purch...
run. From FPS’s, to RPG’s, it saw a lot of great titles that you should know about. Especially if you own one. We didn’t really have criteria to base the decisions on other than them being exclusive to the Playstation 3 and great games. Oh, and that it isn’t Call of Duty...
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2007 94 votes Developer: n-Space Also ranks #33 on Sony PlayStation 3 Games: List of PS3 Console Games Also ranks #2 on The Best FPS Games of All Time, Ranked Also ranks #3 on The Best Xbox One Shooter Games You Should Be Playing PurchaseView on AM...
Infinity Ward公司公关部经理Robert Bowling今天对外确认,PS3版《使命召唤4(Call of Duty 4)》的升级补丁已经准备就绪,SCE方面正在对补丁的内容进行最后的测试和审核,一切顺利的话PS3补丁将在本周内推出。 X360版《使命召唤4》的补丁已经于上个月月底发布,其内容主要涉及新的杀手视角(Kill Cams)和观战视角(Spectator...
STOCKPILElooks like an ordinary town in remote Russia…until you find the warhead hidden in the building in the center of town. Use switches to slide the huge steel doors up and down – good for restricting access during objective-based games. ...
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英文名称:Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare游戏类型:第一人称射击类(FPS)游戏游戏制作:Sledgehammer Games/Raven Software游戏发行:Activision游戏平台:PS3发售时间:2014年11月4日游戏介绍:动视公布《使命召唤》系列新作,定名为《使命召唤11:高级战争》。《使命召唤11:高级战争》的故事背景是在合情合理的未来世界,科技...