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PS3 PKG Builder is another very nice tool for you. This helps you to convert your favorite game into PKG and then insert it into your PS3 console. Many of my users are regularly asking me about this tool. So, finally, I give you this tool after the successful test with your own. W...
Hi friends, I hope you are well. Manu of you is regularly asking me about the PS3 PKG Viewer. PS3 PKG Viewer is a very useful software for you. Besides that, many users ask me about the PS3 Edat file for the PS3 full game. So, for that, you just open thePSN Stuff. Open yo...
[模拟器] PS3-RetroArch全能模拟器 V1.9.0 一键安装PKG版 包括 837个游戏视频教程:https://www....
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PS3《变节行动》PKG下载 PS3《变节行动》PKG下载,变节行动是一款动作射击游戏,游戏采用俯视视角,同时游戏的难度也不小,玩家需要做好挑战自己的心理准备。 《变节行动》是曾经以《正当防卫》系列而闻名的瑞典独立游戏开发商雪崩工作室(Avalanche Studios)继《正当防卫2》之后推出多人合作新类型游戏。据代理商世嘉(SEGA...
PS3《索尼克世代》PKG下载,索尼克系列是由世嘉游戏公司制作发现的一款经典的动作游戏,索尼克世代则是这款游戏的集大成之作。 《索尼克世代》将主要囊括索尼克系列20年来的三个主要阶段:MD经典时代,DC经典世代和次世代。每个部分都将出现过去数代中的经典场景。游戏人物在经典Sonic和现代Sonic之间切换,当使用经典Sonic...
Comes with a portable Apache HTTPD server and sets it up to host your pkg's. One click mode to scan, create the files & start the server. Manual mode scans the folder, lets you select the pkg's you want, export the files, patch category_game.xml & start/stop th...
downloader for ps3 game updates (.pkg files) from official sony servers written in python pythonrpcs3ps3-tool UpdatedMar 1, 2024 Python This tool converts and resigns PS1 and PS2 savegame files to PS3's PSV save format. ps3save-editorps3-tool ...