NP 开头的是数字下载版,文件位于 dev_hdd0/game/{游戏ID},请参考“数字下载版安装”一节,(RAP文件一般放置在 dev_hdd0/home/{用户ID}/exdata 中)。 DLC 理论上都是需要汉化的,但是存在优先级覆盖的关系,安装多个 DLC 只需要汉化其中一个即可,具体请直接参考“DLC 安装”一节。 如果你还未下载资源,正在苦恼...
预览 [PS3游戏] 【24.03.01 百度、迅雷网盘】《战国Basara4 皇》日版V1.02 含DLC 光盘版(BLJM61248) ...23456..10 mzfzxc 2021-9-19 11:04 28622482 85623681 2025-3-22 22:05 预览 [PS3游戏] 《女神异闻录5整合》最新模拟器完美兼容WIN10(原版Persona 5) ...23456..300 xuhanchn 2021-9-19 ...
模拟器和PS3 GAME UPDATER显示的游戏版本不一致? 断恶之剑 战国无双3z我是用PS3 GAME UPDATER下了升级补丁,1.03补丁安装在模拟器里,UPDATER扫不出来1.03可以理解。可是为什么战国无双2猛将传HD和basara3宴UPDATER里是1.01模拟器扫出来只有1.00。3z之前是1.02版,模拟器提示最新版本1.03,Z52Mhd和战国basara3宴模拟器...
解锁DLC文件: 制作ISO文件程序:
Thus, to successfully install the game, you'll need over 16 gigs of free space on the PS3 storage device. When installing a game or DLC, the original downloaded copy is kept in case something terrible happens during install. If something does, the install file will be corrupted while ...
链接: 密码:gtmg 带所有DLC关卡,带所有DLC人物。(曲线支持DLC人物,具体看:\rpcs3-v0.0.5-7136-e29ea61f_win64\dev_hdd0\disc\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\dlc文件夹下的说明) 控制器1默认Xinput手柄,控制器2键盘,可自行设置键盘按键。 物品修改:部 翻唱着...
All time Last year Jan 31, 20250.00Jan 2025 joystick Platforms PS3 play_circle Videos Gameplay open_in_new Reviews open_in_new Add-ons & Bundles 其他版本 DLC notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide PS3 Fuel Overdose Full Game HK$78 浏览...
I think if they sold games on sale for like 5 bucks or full game bundles with all DLC, they'd be able to still make money off of them and give people a good reason to purchase PS3 titles. Now that so many people have taken to the digital distribution video game lifestyle, there...
请教一下大佬们,PS3游戏的DLC正确的安装姿势是什么样的?之前见到过一个工具叫做PS3 Game Updater,这个工具会顺带下载游戏的所有DLC吗?我有一台2512的实体机,使用EvilNat 4.90自制系统,下载了两个游戏极品飞车14和极品飞车16的ISO格式,使用PS3 Game Updater在电脑上下载好PKG后安装到PS3中,发现有些DLC并没有生效...